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Állomások W4AI-7 közelében
hívójel távolság utoljára hallott - EST      hívójel távolság utoljára hallott - EST
K6ABJ-616.2 yards 90°2025-01-27 22:42:03 KK6CKK-925.3 yards 140°2025-01-22 15:33:53
K7KAR-526.9 yards 320°2025-01-23 08:41:09 W7RAP-641.3 yards 0°2025-01-20 10:14:29
N7UWX-1450.7 yards 134°2025-01-23 13:09:44 KC6TYD-663.2 yards 344°2025-01-22 23:33:02
KC6TYD69.8 yards 330°2025-01-19 20:39:15 KC6TYD-769.8 yards 330°2025-01-24 17:07:08
W7SKH-5102.3 yards 190°2025-01-18 03:33:43 W7RAP-8103.7 yards 126°2025-01-18 17:57:11
WB7TGP-7117.0 yards 46°2025-01-24 17:11:09 KA7QQV-12119.0 yards 99°2025-01-25 13:48:24
KQ6UT-5120.2 yards 280°2025-01-21 19:38:54 KG7YC-3157.4 yards 75°2025-01-24 21:59:23
AD6X-7173.6 yards 144°2025-01-23 10:17:50 K7SCG-7174.9 yards 158°2025-01-21 22:38:07
K7SCG-8208.5 yards 151°2025-01-24 12:09:20 W6FPT-iPhone213.3 yards 308°2025-01-21 15:16:04
WR5J-3218.2 yards 292°2025-01-21 15:46:11 ki6hob-i223.9 yards 260°2025-01-12 20:38:32
WA6OEM-7226.6 yards 36°2025-01-19 17:06:03 KT7RUN236.9 yards 270°2025-01-20 22:36:38
KE6NYT-9253.8 yards 266°2025-01-21 13:49:13 KE6NYT-9-i261.2 yards 263°2025-01-19 18:25:31
KI7MH-i278.8 yards 80°2025-01-18 16:10:55 W6JLV-7311.9 yards 306°2025-01-22 12:04:21
K5UUU-9347.6 yards 172°2025-01-29 16:19:16 WA6NVL-9350.8 yards 310°2025-01-18 11:14:37
N5ATR-7360.5 yards 307°2025-01-22 21:39:16 WA6NVL-7364.2 yards 308°2025-01-22 01:17:17
WA6NVL-1364.8 yards 311°2025-01-19 09:42:14 KN6YIW375.2 yards 232°2025-01-18 09:29:12
K7RDE-7389.0 yards 340°2025-01-21 18:23:39 K4NEW-7449.2 yards 320°2025-01-20 13:01:47
KM6YKL-7459.6 yards 262°2025-01-18 18:49:39 K0EEP-2468.6 yards 314°2025-01-26 11:30:39
K8TX-90.3 miles 144°2025-01-30 12:35:26 N6OWF-90.4 miles 306°2025-01-23 17:11:40
K0VK-90.5 miles 341°2025-01-31 16:28:54 N6YSK-70.5 miles 318°2025-01-25 11:04:36
K6SAL-10.5 miles 318°2025-01-25 13:12:38 K6SAL0.5 miles 318°2025-01-25 12:56:38
N7SU-i0.5 miles 318°2025-01-25 13:05:39 KK7ROJ-50.5 miles 301°2025-01-24 15:38:11
KH6FV1.8 miles 27°2025-01-25 21:07:10 N0LKC-11.8 miles 27°2025-01-21 13:49:49
N0LKC2.4 miles 48°2025-01-31 14:22:33 N7CHS-94.0 miles 25°2025-02-01 02:22:52
N7SU-94.2 miles 2°2025-01-29 18:44:54 W7A/PZ1324.6 miles 339°2025-01-25 19:04:34
AE0MG5.0 miles 14°2025-01-18 16:48:06 KD6HOF-105.1 miles 348°2025-01-17 13:44:57
AF7RC-75.4 miles 349°2025-01-28 11:55:27 KF0GZM-75.6 miles 5°2025-01-24 10:57:23
KN6DAM5.7 miles 21°2025-01-10 20:17:13 K4NEW-95.8 miles 13°2025-01-25 13:49:35
K5SCB6.1 miles 2°2025-01-25 20:23:22 W7ISZ-96.5 miles 2°2025-01-31 18:28:42
AF7RC-26.6 miles 1°2025-01-13 08:28:24 W7A/AW0567.4 miles 262°2025-01-23 15:18:34
KU0W-77.4 miles 261°2025-01-23 12:26:22 K6GHL-97.5 miles 36°2025-01-24 17:05:17
W7A/PZ0498.2 miles 67°2025-01-22 12:44:46 W7A/PZ0558.7 miles 61°2025-01-22 15:28:28
KI7IPF10.2 miles 290°2025-01-30 19:03:00 W7A/PZ15310.7 miles 293°2025-01-31 13:47:59
K6RIN10.9 miles 59°2025-01-24 12:26:53 W7A/PZ06010.9 miles 59°2025-01-23 11:20:08
W7SKH10.9 miles 59°2025-01-23 13:15:31 W7CBR10.9 miles 59°2025-01-23 13:26:21
KK7BCO10.9 miles 59°2025-01-26 15:24:32 W7DXJ-1211.0 miles 59°2025-02-01 01:42:28
KI7IPF12.9 miles 281°2025-01-24 07:34:23 KI6AYS24.5 miles 274°2025-01-19 14:55:56
AE0ZW-D31.1 miles 72°2025-01-06 20:50:09 K0NYE-935.7 miles 69°2025-01-29 17:08:19
k4new-i36.8 miles 71°2025-01-14 15:29:35 K4NEW-236.8 miles 71°2025-01-24 18:25:46
K4NEW-336.8 miles 71°2025-01-28 13:35:03 K4NEW-136.8 miles 71°2025-01-27 18:10:36
KC9KZ-441.4 miles 64°2025-01-29 14:43:57 KC9KZ-1341.6 miles 64°2025-02-01 02:09:35
KC9KZ-943.8 miles 68°2025-01-24 10:19:30
Erről az oldalról
This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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