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Állomások HUENENKOENIG közelében
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BADENIA140.2 yards 143°2025-02-06 10:16:21 FRANK-DIETER185.0 yards 195°2025-02-05 03:58:52
EUROPA222.4 yards 23°2025-02-02 00:03:37 FOX229.3 yards 24°2025-02-03 05:59:47
STOLZENECK231.2 yards 197°2025-02-06 10:16:21 WSP 16253.6 yards 92°2025-02-06 10:06:17
VERA CRUZ 2264.5 yards 199°2025-02-01 03:53:56 IMPRESA294.6 yards 20°2025-01-31 04:59:19
SALUDO325.7 yards 200°2025-02-05 02:13:06 LA PALOMA359.1 yards 354°2025-02-06 10:16:21
URSUS 4428.4 yards 52°2025-02-06 10:16:21 SURCOUF0.3 miles 200°2025-02-01 12:22:34
DL9KAF0.4 miles 128°2025-02-03 13:09:27 MS WIRBELEY0.4 miles 9°2025-02-04 07:20:21
LAHNPLUS0.5 miles 20°2025-02-06 10:16:21 EMMASOPHIA0.6 miles 16°2025-02-03 10:16:37
KVB AURA0.6 miles 15°2025-02-06 04:28:47 SOPHIE DEYMANN0.7 miles 340°2025-02-06 10:16:21
VERTIGO0.7 miles 201°2025-02-06 10:16:21 MY WAY0.7 miles 9°2025-02-04 12:17:31
POLYP0.8 miles 344°2025-02-06 00:16:56 HILDEGARD VON BINGEN0.9 miles 344°2025-02-06 10:16:21
BINGEN0.9 miles 343°2025-02-06 10:16:21 WALTER TUERK0.9 miles 344°2025-02-06 10:16:21
LIBELLE0.9 miles 340°2025-02-06 10:16:21 FEUERLOESCHBOOT RPL10.9 miles 339°2025-02-06 09:51:10
ELTZ0.9 miles 342°2025-02-06 10:16:21 PS-MOSEL0.9 miles 341°2025-01-14 10:53:24
JOSEF LANGEN0.9 miles 342°2025-02-06 10:16:21 BS MAINZ0.9 miles 342°2025-02-06 10:01:14
RHEINFELS0.9 miles 344°2025-01-31 00:07:11 STOLT LUDWIGSHAFEN0.9 miles 14°2025-02-06 10:16:21
STADT VALLENDAR0.9 miles 10°2025-02-06 10:16:21 TILO DEYMANN 10.9 miles 201°2025-02-05 22:26:07
JOHANNA1.1 miles 198°2025-02-06 10:16:21 JANNA-MARIA 31.2 miles 198°2025-02-04 09:06:07
DH2PK-51.2 miles 268°2025-02-03 12:25:28 SALIRE1.4 miles 13°2025-02-06 10:16:21
NAUTILIA1.5 miles 197°2025-01-30 09:31:20 LAGUNA1.5 miles 200°2025-02-06 10:16:21
DH2PG-51.7 miles 312°2025-02-06 10:15:00 DF4PM B2.0 miles 266°2025-02-06 10:17:32
DF4PM-B2.0 miles 266°2025-02-06 10:17:42 P-DH2PG2.0 miles 231°2025-02-06 10:03:10
438.1002.0 miles 231°2025-02-06 08:48:15 DK0MR2.0 miles 231°2025-02-06 09:57:20
DB0MR2.0 miles 231°2025-02-06 10:18:09 KOZA2.1 miles 236°2025-01-25 11:50:54
AUGUSTA2.2 miles 15°2025-02-02 10:58:19 ROOS2.2 miles 196°2025-02-06 10:16:21
DG5BKA-12.4 miles 177°2025-01-29 05:09:30 ATOLL2.4 miles 199°2025-02-06 10:16:21
AMICITIA2.4 miles 196°2025-02-06 05:19:10 NICARUS2.7 miles 10°2025-02-06 07:30:08
MS 1112.7 miles 10°2025-02-05 08:41:10 WESTFALIA2.7 miles 350°2025-02-06 10:16:21
DEUTSCHES ECK2.7 miles 8°2025-02-06 00:27:00 MELISSA2.9 miles 194°2025-02-06 10:16:21
ISALA2.9 miles 229°2025-02-06 10:16:21 WILHELM2.9 miles 7°2025-02-06 08:25:33
EL-DB0ZK3.1 miles 209°2025-02-06 10:17:05 STRATON3.1 miles 229°2025-02-06 09:46:07
VENTUS3.1 miles 347°2025-02-06 10:16:21 SPATZ3.2 miles 173°2025-02-06 10:06:17
GANDA3.3 miles 345°2025-02-06 10:16:21 DB0ZK-103.5 miles 207°2025-02-06 10:18:12
PONTON 353.7 miles 183°2025-01-13 10:36:57 DF1WS4.0 miles 355°2025-02-04 15:54:31
PRIMO INITIO 34.1 miles 339°2025-02-06 10:16:21 PORTO BELLO4.1 miles 235°2025-02-05 14:28:44
DH2PG4.4 miles 326°2025-02-04 08:44:11 LICHTENSTEIN4.4 miles 338°2025-01-11 02:38:14
FREIENSTEIN4.4 miles 178°2025-02-06 10:16:21 EXCELLENCE4.5 miles 339°2025-02-06 00:52:12
ADMIRAL4.6 miles 338°2025-02-06 10:16:21 ZENIT4.7 miles 175°2025-02-04 06:09:50
AVILA4.7 miles 337°2025-02-06 10:16:21 MERENZO4.7 miles 232°2025-02-06 05:29:14
NAUSICAA4.8 miles 336°2025-02-06 10:16:21 THUERINGEN4.8 miles 174°2025-02-06 10:16:21
IDUNA4.9 miles 172°2025-02-06 10:16:21 DN9TL5.0 miles 298°2025-02-02 13:44:27
DF1BO-95.1 miles 348°2025-01-25 12:00:35 DF1BO-995.1 miles 348°2025-02-06 10:06:50
DO4ET-95.1 miles 277°2025-01-23 09:40:09 GIGANTIC5.3 miles 169°2025-02-06 10:16:21
QUARZIT5.8 miles 320°2025-02-06 03:03:09 DC0EO-56.1 miles 273°2025-01-17 14:27:31
DLRG BAECKERJUNG6.2 miles 310°2025-01-18 16:34:24 BOHEMIA6.4 miles 163°2025-02-04 23:26:54
P-DG5BKA6.5 miles 245°2025-02-06 06:02:35 DG5BKA B6.7 miles 245°2025-02-06 10:04:46
DG5BKA-B6.7 miles 245°2025-02-06 10:04:56 DG5BKA-N6.7 miles 245°2025-02-06 10:05:06
DG5BKA-R6.7 miles 245°2025-01-26 07:22:57 HERIK 696.8 miles 308°2025-02-06 10:16:21
ULTIMO6.8 miles 308°2025-02-06 10:16:21 TOKETI6.9 miles 163°2025-01-26 07:15:13
SINN6.9 miles 163°2025-02-02 10:58:19 SGMS UNTERFRANKEN6.9 miles 163°2025-02-01 06:25:04
Erről az oldalról
This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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