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Állomások EUROCA közelében
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STADT WUERZBURG8.9 yards 106°2024-05-14 05:51:46 PAULA26.7 yards 278°2024-04-23 01:35:30
BIVIO38.3 yards 218°2024-05-07 14:14:40 MONTANA47.5 yards 222°2024-05-14 05:21:33
PILATOR48.2 yards 91°2024-05-06 10:52:25 VIKING VILI48.6 yards 167°2024-05-13 07:06:35
FELIX55.9 yards 71°2024-05-12 00:58:23 EILTANK 3656.9 yards 95°2024-05-13 18:46:43
NORDLAND IV59.4 yards 321°2024-05-18 02:07:44 JUPITER60.2 yards 238°2024-04-21 21:32:58
RP-BIRSFELDEN70.1 yards 235°2024-04-21 18:06:28 PAPAGENA75.3 yards 256°2024-04-26 04:27:51
ALSACE79.6 yards 78°2024-05-12 04:29:53 ERLENHOF81.4 yards 73°2024-05-14 04:16:04
IDUNA95.5 yards 78°2024-04-29 06:31:07 VIKING BESTLA99.1 yards 248°2024-05-14 07:27:27
GERARD ALBERT105.1 yards 87°2024-05-14 12:09:28 ALLURE107.8 yards 250°2024-05-01 03:30:23
FERGUS107.8 yards 250°2024-05-03 11:15:09 SAMARY108.4 yards 85°2024-05-08 08:22:20
SENATOR121.1 yards 251°2024-05-03 01:40:52 SIGUENZA125.6 yards 115°2024-04-29 12:08:01
ZACAPA127.0 yards 250°2024-05-14 09:03:08 RIVER ARIA137.7 yards 250°2024-05-13 08:22:09
TRICKSTER142.5 yards 254°2024-04-26 11:00:21 BALANCE144.0 yards 73°2024-05-12 09:52:18
LIMBO155.4 yards 256°2024-05-12 11:58:15 THERA157.7 yards 252°2024-04-28 10:42:22
HIRSCHHORN159.8 yards 81°2024-05-12 18:46:12 DEZI160.6 yards 252°2024-05-13 08:37:15
DALLAS164.7 yards 253°2024-05-12 12:58:41 BILGENENTOELER 8180.3 yards 73°2024-05-09 09:43:08
WENDELIN182.5 yards 71°2024-05-03 12:10:33 KVB COPPIA184.0 yards 247°2024-05-04 11:05:52
EXPLOSIEF188.7 yards 67°2024-05-06 07:56:07 MORGENSTERN189.9 yards 256°2024-04-23 09:18:52
VIGILA195.1 yards 251°2024-05-11 22:57:28 UNITY204.9 yards 247°2024-05-14 01:09:41
KAAIMAN207.8 yards 248°2024-05-14 11:29:10 THOMAS DEYMANN 1-2209.4 yards 249°2024-05-13 14:55:02
HENCOR218.9 yards 243°2024-05-12 03:24:25 OSTRY225.4 yards 251°2024-05-13 10:23:02
BEETHOVEN231.3 yards 252°2024-05-12 02:49:10 GUNDA237.2 yards 252°2024-05-05 02:42:54
EILTANK 2238.4 yards 251°2024-05-14 11:49:19 CEDI254.6 yards 252°2024-05-05 11:41:53
A ROSA SILVA262.4 yards 252°2024-05-06 08:36:25 VISTA SKY277.6 yards 252°2024-05-09 02:20:18
VIKING VALI288.4 yards 254°2024-05-12 07:11:07 RENA294.1 yards 75°2024-05-02 06:52:27
PELGRIM294.4 yards 256°2024-04-30 02:44:33 RENATE298.6 yards 255°2024-05-13 01:39:13
VIKING TIALFI300.1 yards 70°2024-05-14 06:16:57 SCENIC PEARL302.0 yards 253°2024-05-18 02:17:48
SOMTRANS XVI303.2 yards 254°2024-05-13 00:53:52 MASORA336.0 yards 67°2024-05-12 01:53:47
OHANA341.1 yards 255°2024-05-02 09:43:42 SERENITY352.9 yards 67°2024-05-09 11:58:55
RPG OSLO360.3 yards 70°2024-05-12 14:04:10 ALLEGRETTO367.9 yards 259°2024-05-04 03:42:34
THURGAU PRESTIGE375.8 yards 257°2024-04-30 07:36:36 RP PRAAG386.1 yards 69°2024-05-11 16:54:44
XERYUS386.3 yards 67°2024-04-29 02:29:24 THE GENTLEMAN396.1 yards 68°2024-05-09 02:15:16
EVA400.9 yards 68°2024-05-14 00:44:28 VIKING EIR402.8 yards 68°2024-05-13 06:11:11
KVB DEO GRATIAS407.3 yards 68°2024-05-14 10:43:52 NARVIK429.6 yards 65°2024-05-14 08:12:46
WSP 1430.7 yards 66°2024-05-14 11:09:01 EMANUEL IV459.7 yards 261°2024-04-30 23:33:43
SCHAUENBURG472.6 yards 69°2024-05-13 00:48:50 KARLSRUHE484.4 yards 74°2024-05-14 09:28:20
STOLT LUDWIGSHAFEN494.7 yards 67°2024-05-13 09:07:29 BARBUDA505.9 yards 67°2024-04-23 23:45:26
PIZ TURBA506.9 yards 66°2024-05-12 16:45:21 DON ZIMMANI507.8 yards 250°2024-05-06 01:08:04
MERLIN512.8 yards 67°2024-04-29 02:44:30 TKVB THUERINGEN514.0 yards 67°2024-05-08 00:44:10
EMERALD DESTINY517.1 yards 66°2024-05-13 00:28:40 CAMARO II518.2 yards 252°2024-05-12 07:16:09
MONET520.7 yards 68°2024-05-11 23:12:36 FRANCA523.4 yards 65°2024-05-07 10:33:02
SAALE526.0 yards 64°2024-05-13 01:14:01 MANUEL0.3 miles 67°2024-05-05 02:27:48
DELTA0.3 miles 65°2024-05-13 07:36:49 CHRISTIANE DEYMANN 10.3 miles 63°2024-05-06 08:46:29
UNION X0.3 miles 66°2024-05-14 04:21:06 CANDESSO0.3 miles 66°2024-05-12 12:28:28
MARSJA0.3 miles 67°2024-05-14 07:42:34 HEINRICH K0.3 miles 59°2024-05-09 08:57:51
TMS MAX0.3 miles 64°2024-05-13 01:49:17 SEINPOST0.3 miles 65°2024-05-02 03:20:54
VISION0.3 miles 66°2024-05-12 21:27:22 FALKENSTEIN0.4 miles 63°2024-05-04 04:22:53
S.S VICTORIA0.4 miles 66°2024-05-14 07:37:32 AROSA CLEA0.4 miles 64°2024-05-12 21:32:25
EMILY BRONTE0.4 miles 63°2024-05-08 02:04:46 NERODIA0.4 miles 63°2024-05-09 06:41:51
AMADEUS QUEEN0.4 miles 63°2024-05-09 06:21:43 PROXIMA0.4 miles 64°2024-05-13 05:46:00
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This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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