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REGENBOOG7.4 yards 192°2025-01-22 08:36:44 CADENZA9.0 yards 200°2025-01-30 03:54:26
SCHLOSS GRIPSHOLM10.0 yards 148°2025-01-27 02:31:15 MARGARETHE15.5 yards 200°2025-02-08 00:41:21
SANARA23.7 yards 99°2025-02-07 15:49:30 NOVUM24.6 yards 153°2025-01-28 06:11:07
ARMAGEDDON25.7 yards 148°2025-01-20 07:52:30 SALVE31.1 yards 113°2025-02-02 03:55:43
MONTON35.0 yards 154°2025-01-24 04:11:01 AQUASHIP37.0 yards 215°2025-01-30 06:08:38
CYCLOON37.4 yards 216°2025-02-06 20:20:06 AVISO37.8 yards 185°2025-01-30 00:48:22
BREMANGER39.5 yards 230°2025-02-05 10:45:33 PIETERNELLA48.5 yards 78°2025-02-03 06:25:14
A-ROSA SENA49.2 yards 220°2025-01-18 19:29:13 EMERALD54.4 yards 110°2025-01-29 22:23:59
JANNELIEN57.4 yards 291°2025-02-07 01:35:24 REGIUS57.6 yards 259°2025-02-01 11:55:45
MAIKE59.0 yards 107°2025-02-05 01:34:20 NOVA CURA61.2 yards 109°2025-02-03 12:01:51
ATOLL65.8 yards 115°2025-02-07 10:30:13 AMBIORIX67.1 yards 268°2025-01-30 06:19:49
ONDERNEMING67.3 yards 216°2025-01-29 02:45:33 ALUKARD67.4 yards 235°2025-02-02 16:31:13
ASPORTO68.9 yards 244°2025-02-05 23:58:49 NAUTICA69.2 yards 121°2025-01-24 02:37:29
EDISON73.4 yards 265°2025-02-07 14:33:15 OSTREA76.5 yards 85°2025-02-06 13:10:50
INVONTES76.6 yards 244°2025-02-06 01:17:06 JOHANNA-M79.8 yards 128°2025-01-28 03:54:52
CANDESSO81.4 yards 210°2025-02-06 04:49:37 ELIONIE81.7 yards 247°2025-01-22 10:13:19
WILJACO-F83.4 yards 235°2025-02-06 05:52:39 HOLLY REICH88.7 yards 249°2025-02-07 00:32:21
RP BRUSSEL95.4 yards 254°2025-02-06 11:05:47 ADRIAAN PIETER97.4 yards 250°2025-02-06 10:44:26
MIRANTO101.2 yards 247°2025-02-06 03:48:37 KVB SUNNY & BLACK102.2 yards 243°2025-02-04 10:19:02
WENDELIN103.4 yards 78°2025-02-02 08:08:53 NOORDSTER II103.5 yards 243°2025-01-17 05:59:08
EXPERTA103.8 yards 237°2025-02-06 09:32:15 ORANJE NASSAU VI104.1 yards 268°2025-02-04 17:06:49
BLUE MARY106.7 yards 250°2025-01-28 07:19:15 WIELINGEN107.1 yards 249°2025-02-01 09:25:17
CHANTAL II114.4 yards 214°2025-01-30 07:04:33 GOMASTAD114.6 yards 250°2025-02-06 08:46:30
LEONORE116.9 yards 259°2025-01-29 04:33:21 VIERWALDSTAETTERSEE117.3 yards 262°2025-02-06 17:32:16
ARGOS119.2 yards 239°2025-02-07 12:21:05 ECLIPS123.5 yards 98°2025-02-06 07:15:00
GAS 92123.7 yards 88°2025-02-04 14:56:40 FAVORIET124.4 yards 88°2025-01-23 14:40:28
VOSTA126.3 yards 247°2025-02-06 15:28:11 PEGASE128.2 yards 91°2025-01-29 09:24:07
MS 108129.1 yards 93°2025-01-22 04:04:15 EMMA131.0 yards 253°2025-02-06 12:52:32
EILTANK 69131.3 yards 88°2025-02-02 03:09:58 GREFO132.2 yards 260°2025-01-15 05:28:55
VISTA SKY134.7 yards 254°2025-01-09 12:17:36 STADT MUNCHEN136.3 yards 247°2025-02-07 22:16:59
OXFORD137.7 yards 246°2025-02-05 23:27:18 WESTERTOREN138.0 yards 91°2025-02-06 05:22:09
DIVITIAE141.0 yards 90°2025-02-04 13:41:26 CONCORDIA145.1 yards 253°2025-01-29 10:39:21
MS55146.2 yards 82°2025-02-04 01:51:43 NAPOLI147.0 yards 90°2025-01-25 16:13:03
MONI148.2 yards 256°2025-01-31 09:57:06 SYNTHESE 15149.0 yards 83°2025-02-05 22:41:33
FIDELIS149.4 yards 260°2025-02-07 01:47:36 RIO GRANDE151.5 yards 89°2025-01-29 16:06:47
INA151.6 yards 84°2025-02-03 15:25:14 KON-TIKI154.8 yards 74°2025-02-03 08:14:01
PHOENIX155.3 yards 84°2025-01-27 11:07:48 TORTUGA156.0 yards 250°2025-02-01 06:11:06
FINT157.9 yards 99°2025-01-23 18:28:18 RETURN158.0 yards 86°2025-02-06 16:52:35
LAILA-M158.0 yards 94°2025-01-24 18:19:10 SOLANO158.3 yards 84°2025-02-07 18:47:31
EVIDENCE159.1 yards 90°2025-02-07 23:37:18 MIRJAM159.2 yards 84°2025-01-23 12:48:30
PALADIN162.9 yards 89°2025-01-17 06:19:28 ALBIS163.4 yards 95°2025-01-31 03:35:51
JASMAR171.9 yards 95°2025-02-06 00:32:22 NOSCE ORBIS172.3 yards 81°2025-01-25 07:42:30
DENRIA172.8 yards 93°2025-01-31 08:17:28 PANORAMA173.1 yards 80°2025-01-18 06:01:56
SPINOZA173.2 yards 85°2025-02-07 03:57:45 ISABELL173.6 yards 220°2025-02-04 09:49:33
ROJANA177.9 yards 85°2025-02-04 00:36:29 SILJA178.3 yards 260°2025-02-07 06:46:32
DIOMEDEA178.5 yards 83°2025-02-05 09:17:06 LUISE DEYMANN179.4 yards 75°2025-02-03 04:46:37
RP BASEL180.3 yards 84°2025-02-06 14:35:18 SUBITO181.1 yards 87°2025-01-31 10:13:22
VEERHAVEN X181.7 yards 95°2025-02-07 15:22:03 FOSSA183.4 yards 255°2025-02-06 10:36:18
SCHLOSS HEIDELBERG187.1 yards 257°2025-02-07 22:54:36 ECHTERNACH190.0 yards 97°2025-02-06 08:42:26
SANNE193.1 yards 88°2025-01-23 16:16:04 PRESENT194.4 yards 83°2025-01-10 02:34:51
Erről az oldalról
This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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