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Állomások CHILDREN OF THE SEAS közelében
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LA FLANEUSE133.6 yards 39°2024-05-17 23:36:04 VF R13164.1 yards 79°2024-05-17 23:50:04
WHISPER166.1 yards 6°2024-05-17 10:47:02 GC B170188.0 yards 175°2024-05-11 06:23:53
CRILU190.9 yards 74°2024-05-11 11:19:16 MAMMANINY203.3 yards 68°2024-05-14 20:02:15
NAVE PALMARIA252.0 yards 239°2024-05-17 03:54:02 NAVE CAPRI254.6 yards 242°2024-05-10 05:19:08
DUNJA283.4 yards 343°2024-05-02 07:06:07 MANTA293.9 yards 349°2024-05-14 02:10:14
SP NAVY WARSHIP313.9 yards 136°2024-05-17 10:51:02 ALTAIS324.0 yards 332°2024-05-18 00:49:05
ASTERIX334.3 yards 71°2024-04-28 23:59:12 ANDREA ONORATO341.0 yards 284°2024-05-18 00:57:05
PUNTA IZZO351.4 yards 239°2024-05-17 09:52:02 NAVE GAETA440.0 yards 164°2024-05-15 04:39:17
NEVERLAND440.2 yards 186°2024-05-05 12:03:41 IS0DZM-50.3 miles 348°2024-05-04 17:07:50
MARIA ONORATO0.4 miles 235°2024-05-18 00:55:05 IS0XCU-70.4 miles 336°2024-05-04 17:28:41
TRAMONTANA I0.5 miles 272°2024-05-17 20:43:03 RUGGERO0.5 miles 275°2024-05-18 00:56:05
GISELLA0.6 miles 278°2024-05-18 00:57:05 DEMETRA 10.6 miles 270°2024-05-17 23:05:04
GEMINI DUE0.6 miles 278°2024-05-17 18:55:03 CARLOTTA0.6 miles 266°2024-05-10 22:02:25
LEONARDO0.6 miles 280°2024-05-17 19:56:03 SAN SALVATORE I0.6 miles 279°2024-05-17 23:57:04
RITA COZZOLINO0.6 miles 277°2024-05-17 20:46:03 NANA30.7 miles 181°2024-05-17 13:31:03
FREE EMOTIONS0.7 miles 186°2024-05-16 13:36:50 BARRACUDA0.7 miles 164°2024-05-17 07:06:02
ENBE0.7 miles 161°2024-05-12 15:34:01 H2ONE0.8 miles 128°2024-05-05 15:18:10
ALQAMAR0.8 miles 181°2024-05-12 09:35:54 IS0XCU0.8 miles 349°2024-05-01 03:28:57
IS0XCU-140.8 miles 349°2024-05-01 03:36:44 AVIOR0.8 miles 177°2024-05-09 11:17:31
RITA0.8 miles 181°2024-05-17 10:26:02 VEGA0.8 miles 180°2024-05-09 11:19:31
TANGAROA0.9 miles 186°2024-05-12 10:13:54 IS0UYN0.9 miles 124°2024-05-17 14:00:03
BEBE SAMBA0.9 miles 189°2024-05-17 12:00:03 FRANCESCHINO0.9 miles 189°2024-05-17 17:19:03
ORIENTE0.9 miles 185°2024-05-16 07:25:49 IR0DA0.9 miles 17°2024-05-18 00:42:50
IS0ANU-120.9 miles 15°2024-05-18 00:28:06 CALYPSO0.9 miles 135°2024-05-15 09:19:18
COME BACK0.9 miles 135°2024-05-15 13:17:28 AZIZA0.9 miles 135°2024-05-18 00:47:05
MOOD0.9 miles 135°2024-05-16 00:36:37 261001761 PO1.0 miles 128°2024-05-17 04:52:02
FLONJA1.0 miles 135°2024-05-18 00:01:04 HERMANA1.0 miles 129°2024-05-12 14:16:13
FENICIA1.0 miles 129°2024-05-10 10:45:15 OSIRA1.0 miles 135°2024-05-14 09:17:15
TOGA1.0 miles 130°2024-05-18 00:56:05 NOE1.0 miles 129°2024-05-15 07:10:18
SY SHOGUN1.0 miles 129°2024-05-18 00:51:05 COLIBRI1.0 miles 130°2024-05-02 09:23:08
STAR DUST1.1 miles 130°2024-05-13 08:03:01 KAALA1.1 miles 129°2024-05-17 23:07:06
SELKIE1.1 miles 129°2024-05-10 09:25:15 OHANA1.1 miles 129°2024-05-16 09:51:50
TAIPAN1.1 miles 129°2024-05-17 22:11:05 ELIOS 21.3 miles 185°2024-04-21 09:25:33
IS0AQA1.3 miles 37°2024-05-04 12:24:40 SOGNO1.4 miles 171°2024-05-15 09:08:18
DW45771.5 miles 52°2024-05-18 00:45:01 IS0HLX-91.6 miles 1°2024-05-16 14:18:42
IS0RKM-11.6 miles 339°2024-05-18 00:44:27 HEADQUARTER1.7 miles 155°2024-05-17 14:16:47
IS0IAT-141.8 miles 30°2024-05-16 17:29:41 LEA2.0 miles 149°2024-05-02 09:12:08
IS0IAT-92.1 miles 41°2024-05-07 17:25:51 BOSSY2.2 miles 145°2024-05-12 06:49:54
FRENCH WARSHIP2.3 miles 279°2024-05-14 04:18:12 IS0IAT-132.4 miles 29°2024-05-11 06:25:34
HEARTBEAT2.4 miles 146°2024-04-22 11:11:21 IS0IAT-102.4 miles 29°2024-05-15 14:43:46
BELLATRIX II2.5 miles 154°2024-04-29 04:26:12 PENELOPE2.9 miles 146°2024-05-09 07:46:31
TOMMASO ONORATO3.0 miles 277°2024-05-18 00:57:05 HARMONIE3.0 miles 110°2024-05-06 00:29:11
IS0TKQ-IP3.4 miles 33°2024-05-18 00:57:28 STEM12VFS0033.5 miles 103°2024-05-17 05:34:02
GWEILO3.6 miles 109°2024-04-26 03:03:35 IS0AAJ3.6 miles 27°2024-05-17 17:32:03
IS0AAJ-Y3.6 miles 27°2024-05-06 10:53:07 IS0PAH-94.0 miles 333°2024-05-13 07:59:00
IW0URG4.0 miles 57°2024-05-18 00:56:08 IW0URG-124.0 miles 65°2024-05-18 00:57:04
IW0URG-114.0 miles 65°2024-05-18 00:51:26 IS0ANZ-94.1 miles 58°2024-05-04 06:29:10
IS0ANZ4.1 miles 58°2024-05-07 01:45:31 GW30094.4 miles 66°2024-05-18 00:54:03
CPTN KOSTAS4.4 miles 208°2024-05-18 00:56:05 EVGENIA K4.4 miles 207°2024-05-18 00:56:05
IS0HHA-N5.1 miles 318°2024-05-18 00:52:03 IS0HHA5.1 miles 318°2024-05-18 00:25:07
Erről az oldalról
This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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