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ARCTURUS56.9 yards 214°2024-05-05 09:24:20 DOINTHEDO98.6 yards 176°2024-05-15 09:38:26
REBEL152.2 yards 241°2024-05-09 07:31:21 MINI MOJO152.3 yards 342°2024-05-16 10:54:44
ELYSIUM170.3 yards 3°2024-05-11 08:36:13 HIGH_SPIRITS193.9 yards 119°2024-05-15 10:49:19
OVERLORD207.5 yards 167°2024-05-06 07:02:22 SUMMER WINE213.8 yards 120°2024-05-17 04:05:34
MERCATOR216.9 yards 72°2024-05-11 04:12:05 HADEDAH261.1 yards 136°2024-05-06 12:38:12
SANJULA275.3 yards 154°2024-05-09 15:43:14 DEFENDER346.0 yards 350°2024-05-13 05:23:13
MISS ROSIE392.5 yards 333°2024-05-12 09:30:43 HALF NELSON406.0 yards 230°2024-05-16 09:59:00
PAXI MOON441.5 yards 286°2024-05-12 07:23:34 WIGHT DIAMOND454.8 yards 208°2024-05-12 08:34:53
SD NUTBOURNE483.7 yards 6°2024-05-17 07:53:35 BANDA498.2 yards 342°2024-05-12 11:52:38
I DOLCI519.8 yards 137°2024-05-15 00:52:19 VERSATILE520.3 yards 237°2024-05-16 21:52:02
ST FAITH523.8 yards 350°2024-05-17 07:53:35 TWISTER0.3 miles 339°2024-05-04 07:22:35
FALAISE0.3 miles 208°2024-05-12 07:44:00 EMMA0.3 miles 245°2024-05-05 06:01:39
ZADA0.3 miles 342°2024-05-09 14:10:14 BARENDINA0.3 miles 218°2024-04-24 08:40:58
ALBA0.3 miles 218°2024-04-23 10:07:24 WIDGEON IX0.4 miles 227°2024-05-17 07:33:20
PORTSEA RESCUE 10.4 miles 272°2024-05-14 14:36:38 SEA VIKING0.5 miles 336°2024-04-18 06:05:36
CORIOLIS0.5 miles 343°2024-05-03 08:36:57 CARMINA0.5 miles 341°2024-05-17 03:40:18
WHITE KNIGHT 70.6 miles 216°2024-05-16 07:42:17 JABA0.6 miles 298°2024-05-04 13:05:33
TALLYTOO0.6 miles 321°2024-05-12 09:30:43 WINGING IT0.6 miles 338°2024-05-10 09:15:03
FIRESONG0.6 miles 340°2024-04-30 08:48:56 LA PEGRILLE0.7 miles 143°2024-05-16 02:43:29
NO LIMITS0.7 miles 158°2024-05-11 11:18:12 SD SOLENT RACER0.7 miles 137°2024-05-17 07:53:35
GLATISANT0.7 miles 138°2024-05-11 14:13:32 2349660810.7 miles 346°2024-05-10 09:47:28
AZANTI0.7 miles 176°2024-05-05 07:30:54 CARINA OF SOLENT0.7 miles 229°2024-05-17 07:53:35
LONGBOW0.8 miles 326°2024-05-16 10:59:48 MINDEN0.8 miles 147°2024-05-12 09:51:06
KATSWISKAS0.8 miles 149°2024-05-11 10:26:13 FREYA0.8 miles 325°2024-05-07 06:50:26
OTUS0.8 miles 326°2024-05-16 12:15:47 G0DRL0.8 miles 45°2024-05-09 08:31:21
OPS0.8 miles 179°2024-05-09 07:31:21 SUN KOSI0.8 miles 326°2024-05-17 07:53:35
CORIC0.8 miles 323°2024-05-05 09:21:10 HALCYON SEA0.8 miles 322°2024-05-06 10:16:38
OCTAVIA0.8 miles 356°2024-05-11 16:35:59 CAVEMAN0.8 miles 357°2024-05-09 08:52:23
BULLDOG0.9 miles 356°2024-05-16 05:35:38 ESCAPADE0.9 miles 320°2024-05-11 10:57:11
SIR ARTHUR RAFSA0.9 miles 326°2024-05-06 06:33:58 SPECTRUM0.9 miles 323°2024-05-15 15:07:15
OCEAN DRIVE0.9 miles 341°2024-05-12 11:27:20 LUTINE0.9 miles 326°2024-05-14 07:36:39
RED ARROW0.9 miles 321°2024-05-12 11:37:28 DRAGONFLY OF RCC0.9 miles 321°2024-05-15 05:25:08
NO GREAT SHAKES0.9 miles 324°2024-04-20 03:34:52 SEPTEMBER MOON0.9 miles 326°2024-05-11 04:40:24
FRUITBAT0.9 miles 181°2024-05-11 07:27:00 RHIANNON0.9 miles 341°2024-05-12 11:32:24
JANE ELIZABETH SM750.9 miles 1°2024-05-06 17:13:22 SEA NYMPH III0.9 miles 322°2024-05-15 15:37:32
NAIVASHA0.9 miles 326°2024-05-17 07:53:35 EXODUS0.9 miles 328°2024-05-11 04:44:27
CRAFTSMAN III0.9 miles 322°2024-05-17 06:17:22 SNOW WOLF0.9 miles 327°2024-05-17 07:53:35
M'ANNA0.9 miles 331°2024-05-12 09:56:10 SERENDIPITY0.9 miles 329°2024-05-13 11:17:13
MARDY GRAS0.9 miles 325°2024-05-07 07:55:07 SEAHORSE VII0.9 miles 322°2024-05-16 08:48:07
ZENITH0.9 miles 320°2024-05-05 08:47:54 BELLEROPHON0.9 miles 322°2024-05-14 09:48:16
MOONFLEET0.9 miles 318°2024-05-13 06:28:55 SARENNE0.9 miles 328°2024-05-17 07:43:27
BLUE SHADOW0.9 miles 324°2024-05-07 10:28:41 BRITISH SOLDIER0.9 miles 321°2024-05-16 10:34:27
MAVERICK0.9 miles 325°2024-05-03 04:58:14 GREAT ESCAPE0.9 miles 329°2024-04-28 11:52:04
JUNIA0.9 miles 326°2024-05-04 00:27:22 DONT PANIC0.9 miles 319°2024-05-13 10:41:48
ELSPETH0.9 miles 330°2024-05-17 07:43:27 ANDROMEDA0.9 miles 324°2024-05-10 12:10:07
SHEARWATER0.9 miles 328°2024-05-14 09:53:20 AUK0.9 miles 330°2024-05-10 09:56:26
INIGO MONTOYA0.9 miles 330°2024-05-12 11:17:13 2350766570.9 miles 325°2024-05-15 13:46:29
RNLI LIFEBOAT B-8290.9 miles 104°2024-05-12 06:32:21 APACHE II0.9 miles 329°2024-05-07 10:48:54
REVELRY0.9 miles 322°2024-05-17 07:03:43 TUDOROSE0.9 miles 327°2024-05-12 10:26:35
TRINITY STAR0.9 miles 326°2024-05-17 07:18:09 WYLDWIND0.9 miles 320°2024-05-16 07:16:56
Erről az oldalról
This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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