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Állomások MFV KINGFISHER közelében
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STENA HIBERNIA0.7 miles 235°2025-02-06 06:38:46 IBERICA HAV1.8 miles 254°2025-02-04 05:54:10
SHANNON KIMBERLY4.1 miles 225°2025-02-05 12:45:19 ICENI DEFENDER4.8 miles 259°2025-01-29 09:14:41
JULIA ANNE FD56.3 miles 153°2025-02-06 13:56:50 ICENI VENGEANCE6.5 miles 265°2025-01-18 08:47:25
STRATHMORE11.2 miles 178°2025-02-02 03:26:27 VB STRATHDEE11.9 miles 179°2025-02-02 20:54:39
ROBERT ISABELLA RY513.1 miles 240°2025-02-05 07:48:39 SILVER RIVER13.6 miles 225°2025-02-03 14:31:03
RNLI LIFEBOAT 13-0413.9 miles 242°2025-01-22 14:50:41 MD6YBE-915.0 miles 288°2025-01-29 11:15:48
GD6AFB-1015.3 miles 270°2025-02-06 13:20:49 GD4HOZ-1015.3 miles 277°2025-02-06 13:51:40
GD8BUE-DP15.8 miles 267°2025-02-06 09:30:53 GD8BUE-715.8 miles 267°2025-02-03 18:17:58
POLISHED MANX216.3 miles 240°2025-01-15 03:02:13 NJORD SKUA17.5 miles 161°2025-01-19 16:56:50
HIGHLAND QUEEN17.6 miles 203°2025-01-30 05:55:07 Snaefell18.9 miles 255°2025-02-06 13:56:50
GB3IM-S19.0 miles 255°2025-02-06 13:54:02 G4PEW-ios19.8 miles 56°2025-02-04 11:27:12
G7KSE-1020.0 miles 58°2025-01-21 09:08:34 G7KSE-120.0 miles 58°2025-01-29 14:01:18
G7KSE-720.0 miles 58°2025-01-21 08:35:48 BONNIE LASS III20.3 miles 229°2025-01-31 00:34:01
GRAMPIAN TALISMAN20.3 miles 217°2025-02-06 13:56:50 GD5MUP20.8 miles 241°2025-02-06 12:50:11
MB6IMB21.3 miles 68°2025-02-06 13:54:47 GD4RVQ21.4 miles 241°2025-02-06 13:57:51
SNAEFELL RIVER21.9 miles 131°2025-02-06 13:57:51 GB3WU22.0 miles 49°2025-02-06 13:57:02
G4FBC-722.1 miles 48°2025-02-05 10:51:45 MB7UCV22.1 miles 48°2025-02-06 13:57:02
G4VFL-122.2 miles 61°2025-01-29 14:01:05 M7BWD-D22.5 miles 50°2025-02-06 13:47:08
M0MZB-1022.5 miles 70°2025-02-06 13:27:37 G5KCI-722.5 miles 48°2025-01-25 18:27:24
G5KCI-122.5 miles 48°2025-01-28 11:12:39 BARRULE22.6 miles 235°2025-01-22 12:41:23
MANXMAN22.6 miles 236°2025-02-06 13:57:51 BEN MY CHREE22.7 miles 236°2025-02-06 13:55:51
RNLI LIFEBOAT 12-1522.7 miles 236°2025-02-05 08:53:48 GIRL MARY22.7 miles 236°2025-02-04 08:22:30
TARROO USHTEY22.7 miles 236°2025-02-06 10:36:19 GD0NFN-1023.0 miles 237°2025-01-23 16:19:00
OTAKI23.0 miles 236°2025-01-09 13:21:11 2E0XGO-Y23.2 miles 48°2025-02-02 10:49:58
2E0XGO-123.2 miles 48°2025-02-05 06:03:16 GB7CA-DP23.7 miles 236°2025-02-06 13:53:36
M0LIL B23.9 miles 77°2025-01-22 16:21:45 M0LIL-B23.9 miles 77°2025-01-22 16:21:55
M0LIL C23.9 miles 77°2025-01-16 15:58:59 M0LIL-C23.9 miles 77°2025-01-16 15:58:59
MD3JTT-1023.9 miles 239°2025-01-21 07:19:37 M6FYM-723.9 miles 46°2025-02-01 05:54:24
M0SKY-124.0 miles 49°2025-01-27 07:06:48 GD5IOM-924.1 miles 244°2025-02-06 13:03:35
KING CHALLENGER24.1 miles 220°2025-02-05 04:31:44 GD5IOM24.5 miles 239°2025-02-06 10:07:31
FV ALCEDO24.9 miles 181°2025-02-02 09:46:27 KING EXPLORER24.9 miles 220°2025-02-05 17:26:58
DEVELOPER25.3 miles 139°2025-02-06 08:53:05 G/LD-05926.1 miles 83°2025-01-14 04:44:10
G4FBC-D26.2 miles 91°2025-02-06 13:51:49 M0MAN-926.3 miles 242°2025-02-05 16:42:23
CHERLARIS26.7 miles 222°2025-01-31 08:50:08 GD3MAN26.8 miles 248°2025-02-04 02:06:15
M7BUY-Y26.9 miles 42°2025-02-02 15:20:10 M7BUY-1026.9 miles 42°2025-02-06 13:45:19
M7BUY-126.9 miles 42°2025-02-04 14:10:04 G1LZL-D27.1 miles 41°2025-02-06 13:47:48
DISCOVERER27.2 miles 135°2025-02-06 10:16:16 DW234227.4 miles 57°2025-02-06 13:45:17
2E0DNW-727.8 miles 41°2025-01-24 10:17:06 G8RZ-127.9 miles 40°2025-02-02 16:39:50
G/LD-03027.9 miles 101°2025-01-28 06:31:35 CEG GALAXY28.0 miles 294°2025-01-25 15:17:52
2E0DNW-N28.0 miles 41°2025-02-06 13:58:08 MD6TSW-Y28.4 miles 254°2025-02-06 02:43:52
WINDCAT 4128.5 miles 126°2025-02-06 07:11:51 MOYUNA28.6 miles 255°2025-02-06 11:50:29
MARIDA DO3728.7 miles 255°2025-01-15 08:25:58 RNLI LIFEBOAT 13-3528.7 miles 255°2025-02-02 07:11:17
M0MZB-1528.7 miles 71°2025-02-06 13:55:02 G/LD-03228.7 miles 91°2025-01-22 05:38:44
M0YCJ/P28.7 miles 91°2025-01-22 07:30:27 MD7EWU-728.8 miles 242°2025-02-06 11:32:54
G/LD-02528.8 miles 72°2025-02-01 06:01:39 M0MZB/P28.8 miles 72°2025-02-01 03:14:19
GB3IM-P29.0 miles 254°2025-02-06 13:56:55 POSEIDON SARGO 2829.2 miles 256°2025-02-06 11:23:26
COUNTESS CHARLOTTE29.2 miles 256°2025-02-05 11:33:09 MD7FHZ-229.4 miles 237°2025-01-13 10:03:26
MD0MAN-929.9 miles 237°2025-01-28 08:41:33 G/LD-02930.0 miles 76°2025-01-29 05:40:54
GW514931.2 miles 117°2025-02-06 13:55:54 SEAWITCH31.9 miles 233°2025-01-22 12:18:20
DETECTER32.2 miles 136°2025-02-06 06:22:44 G/LD-04232.3 miles 56°2025-01-29 06:19:54
Erről az oldalról
This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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