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Állomások BUGLER OF HORNET közelében
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ARION6.3 yards 79°2024-05-14 09:07:45 ALOUETTE58.6 yards 185°2024-05-08 09:14:57
FREEBIRD130.1 yards 30°2024-05-11 08:32:09 WESTERLY WINNER250.8 yards 50°2024-05-07 13:46:12
KUDU289.0 yards 74°2024-05-11 08:52:29 JANTHINA301.0 yards 53°2024-05-16 09:38:45
BARBU312.5 yards 66°2024-05-08 15:10:56 SELENE320.6 yards 76°2024-05-04 14:18:48
BALTIC SWIFT325.1 yards 60°2024-04-17 10:09:12 TROJAN331.8 yards 64°2024-05-16 14:42:29
WILD BLUE337.7 yards 72°2024-05-07 16:00:10 SPIRIT342.3 yards 50°2024-04-21 08:05:19
JAMMY DODGER344.7 yards 69°2024-05-11 12:10:23 PETREL IX345.3 yards 63°2024-05-16 08:48:07
ENDEAVOUR OF P'SMOUT349.1 yards 50°2024-05-12 09:40:52 GREBE352.9 yards 63°2024-05-16 09:18:30
EASY TIGER II354.8 yards 49°2024-05-08 10:00:13 TEAL357.2 yards 64°2024-04-26 07:04:45
ELENOR358.6 yards 73°2024-05-17 04:05:34 SKUA IX361.3 yards 66°2024-05-16 09:03:19
WORK HARD PLAY HARD365.9 yards 27°2024-04-30 08:44:52 PELICAN OF ITCHEN376.7 yards 54°2024-05-06 05:41:15
HMSTC DASHER377.3 yards 61°2024-05-10 04:17:33 BRENDA'S J388.0 yards 55°2024-05-12 08:50:07
YOYO396.5 yards 68°2024-05-05 07:59:17 SPLASH400.8 yards 69°2024-05-12 08:50:07
QUATTRO403.2 yards 70°2024-05-10 09:11:00 NAROOMA405.5 yards 60°2024-05-15 07:06:33
STORMBIRD409.4 yards 65°2024-04-30 10:22:12 MOONFLEET416.2 yards 75°2024-05-13 06:28:55
ANOKHI416.5 yards 60°2024-04-28 10:39:17 JESTER OF PLYMOUTH418.8 yards 55°2024-05-12 11:17:13
BUGSY424.8 yards 67°2024-04-20 04:52:20 HUNGRY TIGER435.9 yards 52°2024-05-11 13:53:06
MELTEM436.2 yards 53°2024-04-20 13:25:03 SULA BASSANA436.7 yards 60°2024-05-06 12:38:12
DONT PANIC437.3 yards 73°2024-05-13 10:41:48 WYLDWIND440.9 yards 68°2024-05-16 07:16:56
FIRST DAWN TREADER458.4 yards 55°2024-05-06 07:10:28 CHEQUE MATE459.5 yards 53°2024-04-26 06:24:03
BREEZE460.4 yards 57°2024-04-20 13:25:03 MUSKETEER II462.4 yards 57°2024-05-15 07:36:57
WHITE CLOUD IX463.0 yards 58°2024-05-16 05:50:49 ODISEA467.6 yards 59°2024-05-12 13:43:57
ZENITH469.2 yards 73°2024-05-05 08:47:54 EPONINE480.0 yards 52°2024-05-10 08:00:11
CELINE483.3 yards 56°2024-05-11 10:26:13 TIDDELY POM II485.1 yards 58°2024-05-15 12:00:16
BRITISH SOLDIER487.3 yards 71°2024-05-16 10:34:27 GREBE VIII487.5 yards 76°2024-05-17 04:05:34
GOSPORT LIFEBOAT491.1 yards 54°2024-05-12 16:10:46 RED ARROW494.8 yards 77°2024-05-12 11:37:28
DRAGONFLY OF RCC502.5 yards 76°2024-05-15 05:25:08 ESCAPADE503.1 yards 81°2024-05-11 10:57:11
SEAHORSE VII506.2 yards 72°2024-05-16 08:48:07 KATY JINNY507.2 yards 57°2024-05-12 10:00:12
BELLEROPHON507.5 yards 71°2024-05-14 09:48:16 CRAFTSMAN III507.6 yards 72°2024-05-16 08:53:11
SEA NYMPH III522.3 yards 72°2024-05-15 15:37:32 WENDY SUE523.4 yards 52°2024-05-08 02:06:06
ARCTIC BEAR523.4 yards 53°2024-05-08 11:00:08 NOCTURNE526.2 yards 63°2024-05-15 16:58:14
ALCHEMY0.3 miles 56°2024-05-13 05:18:10 SEAL0.3 miles 53°2024-04-29 13:54:05
LIBRA OF LORNE0.3 miles 51°2024-05-10 08:08:22 ANDROMEDA0.3 miles 68°2024-05-10 12:10:07
CO CO0.3 miles 63°2024-05-12 07:03:05 MISTY MOON0.3 miles 64°2024-05-12 11:52:38
WAKATERE0.3 miles 52°2024-05-15 11:04:32 HALCYON SEA0.3 miles 83°2024-05-06 10:16:38
ROCKET DOG II0.3 miles 65°2024-04-26 12:00:49 TRUE BLUE0.3 miles 59°2024-05-05 11:41:54
REVELRY0.3 miles 72°2024-04-20 09:17:31 JAZZMINE0.3 miles 56°2024-05-05 12:38:32
NO GREAT SHAKES0.3 miles 73°2024-04-20 03:34:52 KAPLA0.3 miles 58°2024-04-27 02:30:27
SPECTRUM0.3 miles 77°2024-05-15 15:07:15 BLUE SHADOW0.3 miles 68°2024-05-07 10:28:41
MAYREAU0.3 miles 56°2024-05-17 00:13:17 VERTIGO0.3 miles 57°2024-05-11 10:38:27
PREMIER CREW0.3 miles 61°2024-05-17 04:00:30 MARDY GRAS0.3 miles 70°2024-05-07 07:55:07
INDECISION0.3 miles 64°2024-04-17 07:07:11 SUKHA0.3 miles 59°2024-05-15 10:29:04
WHATS THE CATCH0.3 miles 50°2024-05-17 03:37:41 MAVERICK0.3 miles 67°2024-05-03 04:58:14
PHANFAIR0.3 miles 64°2024-05-07 14:28:12 SEA DRAGON0.3 miles 62°2024-05-17 04:05:34
2350766570.3 miles 65°2024-05-15 13:46:29 CORIC0.3 miles 83°2024-05-05 09:21:10
SEA MONKEY0.3 miles 56°2024-05-12 10:36:43 DREAMCATCHER HAMBLE0.3 miles 63°2024-04-20 10:59:11
MURITAI0.3 miles 58°2024-04-21 10:17:33 ARCADIAN0.3 miles 56°2024-04-28 08:05:28
CLOUD90.3 miles 58°2024-05-12 11:32:24 TRINITY STAR0.4 miles 64°2024-05-17 03:25:08
SEPTEMBER MOON0.4 miles 71°2024-05-11 04:40:24 MERROW0.4 miles 59°2024-05-12 07:08:13
JUNIA0.4 miles 67°2024-05-04 00:27:22 MASCARET0.4 miles 64°2024-05-08 12:21:05
Erről az oldalról
This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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