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GLORIA REX14.6 yards 184°2025-01-26 11:21:10 PERALTARACING23.0 yards 270°2025-01-19 13:18:00
STRYKER38.7 yards 136°2025-01-16 12:20:03 EUGENIA DEL MAR42.1 yards 270°2025-01-30 07:55:49
YEMANJA43.8 yards 176°2025-01-25 07:53:07 AFRICA49.0 yards 228°2025-01-29 06:50:36
VIRUSHA52.6 yards 174°2025-01-26 13:40:37 PARODY53.7 yards 355°2025-01-30 07:55:49
BOTO ROSA56.4 yards 188°2025-01-09 05:35:23 OFFLINE79.7 yards 224°2025-01-18 16:59:38
MIKA86.9 yards 203°2025-01-08 15:08:09 ANTARES115.5 yards 214°2025-01-05 11:10:28
ZIDAC UNO120.0 yards 236°2025-01-04 07:36:01 BONAIRE129.2 yards 313°2025-01-26 08:45:41
AURORA130.9 yards 319°2025-01-30 07:53:44 PAGAZA145.2 yards 232°2025-01-30 07:53:33
KUNGA ATA146.0 yards 98°2025-01-30 07:55:39 FAIRYTALE147.3 yards 288°2025-01-16 07:59:58
ARI147.4 yards 77°2025-01-30 07:55:39 KARMA UNO151.9 yards 95°2025-01-19 06:38:34
FALA POUCO153.0 yards 79°2025-01-25 07:35:44 ALVIUM155.7 yards 209°2025-01-30 07:56:00
KUTTUNE156.6 yards 98°2025-01-25 14:09:06 CID161.8 yards 99°2025-01-30 07:54:26
QUINTO PINO162.2 yards 74°2025-01-25 07:58:43 VUNIWAI163.7 yards 74°2025-01-25 07:55:23
VOCINGLERO166.4 yards 306°2025-01-25 07:27:30 NATI167.3 yards 95°2025-01-25 12:39:04
CORSO170.6 yards 91°2025-01-27 07:13:19 KAS174.4 yards 315°2025-01-04 10:54:19
PHILIPP II180.0 yards 292°2025-01-30 07:53:33 PALFER180.7 yards 341°2025-01-28 09:47:19
KIMBA191.3 yards 218°2025-01-14 05:46:29 WELVAART199.1 yards 99°2025-01-30 07:54:05
STRATOS212.0 yards 96°2025-01-30 07:54:26 DEXTER212.3 yards 257°2025-01-25 08:26:04
ZARPA219.9 yards 94°2025-01-03 03:45:30 SAONA223.5 yards 80°2025-01-30 07:54:57
BLONDIE OF HAMBLE226.0 yards 95°2025-01-30 07:53:33 JAMBO226.2 yards 241°2025-01-27 12:32:15
MAGNUM234.0 yards 214°2025-01-30 07:54:57 WAY OF LIFE249.3 yards 96°2025-01-03 12:38:47
ICARO CINCO251.4 yards 93°2025-01-30 07:55:49 AMERICA257.2 yards 94°2025-01-30 06:21:22
ARGO289.3 yards 95°2025-01-29 12:12:24 SLIOCH328.8 yards 237°2025-01-26 18:07:33
TEMBO342.2 yards 92°2025-01-30 07:55:39 MEDITERRANI DOS354.1 yards 72°2025-01-19 10:11:30
MARGUERITE355.9 yards 93°2025-01-30 07:53:44 CALYPSO358.7 yards 133°2025-01-30 07:53:23
MARCHALADO II363.1 yards 77°2025-01-07 12:32:34 FOUR JOY371.9 yards 124°2025-01-28 15:26:03
YAIZA375.9 yards 85°2025-01-26 11:13:41 MOTURUA378.2 yards 118°2025-01-30 07:55:07
ALLURE379.1 yards 132°2025-01-30 07:56:10 SUNSET380.2 yards 78°2025-01-30 07:56:10
BY FARR380.9 yards 116°2025-01-05 04:00:44 SUNSET381.7 yards 156°2025-01-22 08:49:22
CHAMPAGNE382.7 yards 155°2025-01-20 07:00:26 SAND LE MERE384.6 yards 134°2025-01-30 07:53:23
SAJA SEXTO398.3 yards 142°2025-01-25 07:39:03 LORENZO Y FINA405.8 yards 104°2025-01-30 07:55:49
ERNEST406.8 yards 153°2025-01-30 07:53:23 LUBRANA409.7 yards 152°2025-01-30 07:53:23
PICAZO414.9 yards 156°2025-01-19 05:30:51 S/Y LA VIDA416.4 yards 156°2025-01-30 07:54:26
HAPPY DAY420.4 yards 120°2025-01-28 07:51:52 ANDROMEDA422.8 yards 122°2025-01-27 06:24:29
CASANOVA425.7 yards 157°2025-01-21 09:18:46 ANTONIO Y JOSE437.9 yards 103°2025-01-30 07:56:10
LOS PICONES455.3 yards 106°2025-01-30 01:00:22 JUAN Y LUCIA463.3 yards 104°2025-01-30 07:54:57
BRAVE DUDE465.4 yards 147°2025-01-30 07:53:33 LA LUNA465.8 yards 142°2025-01-30 07:54:15
ST.PAVEL466.0 yards 130°2025-01-22 11:15:45 ESTIVO DUE466.5 yards 129°2025-01-10 08:23:31
MIRVAC468.1 yards 144°2025-01-30 07:54:15 FRENCH CONNECTION470.8 yards 154°2025-01-30 07:51:07
VARTA472.1 yards 143°2025-01-30 07:54:15 ERIU479.3 yards 155°2025-01-17 11:03:56
MILICAT484.1 yards 251°2025-01-30 07:54:36 ESTRELLA DE MIGUEL504.8 yards 90°2025-01-30 07:54:36
EC5RKT-3508.7 yards 36°2025-01-30 07:41:49 WHATEVER BARCELONA516.2 yards 140°2025-01-02 04:02:44
FELICE518.1 yards 131°2025-01-09 10:22:15 LADY ANNA521.5 yards 127°2025-01-30 07:53:13
BERDI521.6 yards 124°2025-01-30 07:54:26 ACHERON.521.9 yards 144°2025-01-30 07:53:33
MONTES526.6 yards 129°2025-01-12 10:57:36 ENDORFINA527.7 yards 149°2025-01-25 08:11:04
XANTIPPE527.8 yards 143°2025-01-28 11:35:32 XO0.3 miles 145°2025-01-30 07:55:39
SNOW GOOSE0.3 miles 142°2025-01-24 19:19:09 BRIS0.3 miles 127°2025-01-30 07:27:55
GOOSEWING0.3 miles 143°2025-01-22 12:35:56 NUEVO CAMARROJAS0.3 miles 96°2025-01-30 03:51:36
LS-JULIETA0.3 miles 185°2025-01-30 07:54:36 DALILA0.3 miles 150°2025-01-07 10:20:12
VICTORIA Y PEDRO0.3 miles 96°2025-01-30 02:31:34 DOPE0.3 miles 148°2025-01-22 20:15:35
Erről az oldalról
This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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