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Állomások TAITAR NO.4 közelében
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TORM STRENGTH43.8 yards 272°2025-01-20 13:55:59 OLYMPIC FUTURE50.1 yards 157°2025-01-31 00:29:11
YOUNG SPIRIT69.5 yards 144°2025-01-05 17:04:39 PROPEL PROGRESS92.3 yards 167°2025-01-29 16:40:35
ETOILE97.9 yards 155°2025-01-31 17:01:28 CAPE SATSUKI159.2 yards 181°2025-01-03 17:26:13
BIG GLORY172.3 yards 139°2025-01-24 02:34:02 EVER ALP229.7 yards 228°2025-01-30 07:08:16
MESAIMEER263.5 yards 244°2025-01-04 03:16:41 MOUNT FUJI300.8 yards 224°2025-01-24 09:25:39
DING HENG 23302.0 yards 162°2025-01-03 12:31:35 KINAROS ISLAND338.4 yards 166°2025-01-30 09:12:34
SEA GEMINI350.3 yards 211°2025-01-25 22:45:15 MAERSK PANGANI372.7 yards 219°2025-01-31 03:33:25
CROWN VOYAGER384.3 yards 227°2025-01-30 23:24:49 GUANGZHOU HIGHWAY391.4 yards 245°2025-01-06 21:48:07
SUNNY FARANAH409.0 yards 169°2025-01-03 14:06:45 ZEZE START417.1 yards 182°2025-01-31 13:07:13
TOUSKA424.4 yards 225°2025-01-28 07:05:02 ONE MONACO437.3 yards 173°2025-01-03 14:52:39
YANTIAN I446.5 yards 121°2025-01-21 04:36:24 RUBY STAR450.6 yards 242°2025-01-31 06:21:19
ANTWERPIA452.8 yards 224°2025-01-05 18:53:04 KOTA LIMA454.3 yards 329°2025-01-24 08:54:23
PHOENIX HARMONIA456.5 yards 298°2025-01-25 01:30:29 PACIFIC WINNER460.0 yards 199°2025-01-20 14:19:04
GRAND ACE10463.6 yards 177°2025-01-25 08:13:36 ZHONG GU XIA MEN467.6 yards 217°2025-01-31 22:43:39
BROAD YUAN470.4 yards 194°2025-01-21 10:10:49 VENTURA I477.3 yards 305°2025-01-06 23:28:37
NAOMI480.2 yards 178°2025-01-30 19:58:58 EVER CHAMP481.2 yards 94°2025-01-31 07:16:09
CAPE PEREGRINE493.4 yards 317°2025-01-25 02:46:56 DARYA RAPTI496.7 yards 243°2025-01-02 12:03:01
BALTIMORE STAR498.7 yards 313°2025-01-30 16:23:55 SHAMROCK JUPITER502.9 yards 294°2025-01-31 09:55:09
URANUS 2514.4 yards 213°2025-01-02 11:01:00 JAL VAIBHAV516.2 yards 297°2025-01-31 23:49:42
SAKIZAYA WISDOM516.7 yards 157°2025-01-25 11:56:37 AL JIMI523.0 yards 190°2025-01-29 10:31:07
CMA CGM NINGBO524.1 yards 192°2025-01-06 21:10:56 DIAMOND II0.3 miles 222°2025-01-03 18:05:37
XIN HAI TONG 290.3 miles 298°2025-01-04 03:34:14 BERGE NANGA PARBAT0.3 miles 207°2025-01-28 05:52:28
HAFNIA BOBCAT0.3 miles 221°2025-01-25 01:06:15 LUCK FORTUNE0.3 miles 294°2025-01-05 19:21:23
YUE DIAN 830.3 miles 150°2025-01-25 00:52:18 SCIROCCO0.3 miles 330°2025-01-21 16:59:42
2491490000.3 miles 235°2025-01-31 04:50:54 HUI ZHENG HAI0.3 miles 167°2025-01-13 06:12:58
SUNNY MOREBAYA0.3 miles 160°2025-01-03 22:27:44 PACIFIC VOYAGER0.3 miles 219°2025-01-18 03:34:21
NORDIC0.3 miles 178°2025-01-29 18:57:27 NAVIG8 WOLF0.3 miles 195°2025-01-03 12:06:00
COSCO CHANG QING0.4 miles 201°2025-01-29 11:03:37 YASA TOKYO0.4 miles 205°2025-01-24 01:53:32
MSC MELATILDE0.4 miles 199°2025-01-24 02:22:56 XIN LI0.4 miles 306°2025-01-06 17:16:52
DABA0.4 miles 201°2025-01-11 06:37:49 CHANG AN0.4 miles 144°2025-01-31 14:15:13
YANGZE 360.4 miles 115°2025-01-03 02:43:21 GREEN SUAPE0.4 miles 234°2025-01-22 13:42:41
APOLLO DREAM0.4 miles 165°2025-01-06 00:47:39 MICHIGAN HIGHWAY0.4 miles 194°2025-01-28 13:36:00
CSCL PACIFIC OCEAN0.4 miles 290°2025-01-05 09:35:04 ALWINE0.4 miles 147°2025-01-20 17:40:37
TB KAIYUAN0.4 miles 166°2025-01-31 10:59:56 ALETTE MAERSK0.4 miles 228°2025-01-22 04:24:13
WAN HAI 6110.4 miles 144°2025-01-06 00:45:06 KLIMA0.4 miles 175°2025-01-11 06:18:35
GOLDEN EARL0.4 miles 205°2025-01-20 23:15:03 MP MR TANKER 20.4 miles 184°2025-01-18 08:29:48
BBG FANGCHENG0.4 miles 153°2025-01-18 12:49:58 NAN LIN WAN0.4 miles 176°2025-01-05 23:53:37
OCEAN DESTINY0.4 miles 153°2025-01-31 04:32:57 THETIS0.4 miles 177°2025-01-18 11:41:25
BLUE INTEGRITY0.4 miles 211°2025-01-06 13:16:42 YM WIND0.4 miles 216°2025-01-31 12:24:07
SPIRIT OF BERTRAM0.4 miles 182°2025-01-30 19:43:59 KYPROS SPIRIT0.4 miles 168°2025-01-29 22:45:27
SEATRADE COLOMBIA0.4 miles 239°2025-01-22 03:09:13 OOCL GDYNIA0.4 miles 165°2025-01-13 05:57:38
OTSL APHRODITE0.4 miles 178°2025-01-25 05:52:33 MAYASAN0.4 miles 224°2025-01-06 20:50:05
MSC JULIETTE0.4 miles 153°2025-01-20 22:10:01 GFS GALAXY0.4 miles 188°2025-01-07 23:17:58
BULK GENEVA0.4 miles 307°2025-01-08 03:03:20 AL BAHYAH0.4 miles 322°2025-01-06 02:21:34
SOLAR HOPE0.4 miles 136°2025-01-28 15:14:13 KLEISOURA0.4 miles 216°2025-01-08 02:39:22
INTERASIA MOTIVATION0.4 miles 207°2025-01-06 01:13:54 SNL ZHANGJIAGANG0.4 miles 283°2025-01-29 00:07:13
4778834000.4 miles 120°2025-01-12 04:31:26 CHANG HANG RUN HAI0.4 miles 286°2025-01-22 18:17:16
HAZM0.4 miles 170°2025-01-08 01:24:18 ATHENA0.4 miles 271°2025-01-31 14:06:09
MAERSK CABINDA0.4 miles 223°2025-01-06 02:36:26 MARAN CANOPUS0.4 miles 166°2025-01-06 16:09:18
EVER ETHIC0.4 miles 235°2025-01-30 05:45:36 FAIRCHEM FORTITUDE0.4 miles 172°2025-01-21 18:15:21
Erről az oldalról
This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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