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Állomások KING LOONG közelében
hívójel távolság utoljára hallott - EST      hívójel távolság utoljára hallott - EST
NANSHA HONOR30.4 yards 344°2025-01-16 12:38:09 DARYA LACHMI53.1 yards 164°2025-01-27 02:47:37
HUI DA 953.8 yards 115°2025-01-26 04:38:42 ALDANA54.4 yards 151°2025-01-22 19:48:54
ALINEAT64.9 yards 142°2025-01-23 05:33:00 C H S WORLD94.0 yards 153°2025-01-23 12:45:56
BETTY K IX95.7 yards 334°2025-01-22 06:39:25 MSC CLORINDA96.9 yards 342°2025-01-15 20:55:49
COE MINA122.3 yards 354°2025-01-21 20:49:21 QEM STAR123.5 yards 294°2025-01-30 22:06:51
ALPHA DISCOVERY130.2 yards 329°2025-01-23 19:05:06 LAVINIA OLDENDORFF146.2 yards 69°2025-01-10 02:48:11
TAIPAN161.7 yards 1°2025-01-26 19:06:22 DELRUBA166.3 yards 202°2025-01-12 10:02:28
PARSHAD251.9 yards 140°2025-01-27 12:16:24 MAY258.8 yards 111°2025-01-09 10:30:03
AL YARMOUK263.0 yards 274°2025-01-12 16:48:25 ZHE HAI 519270.6 yards 345°2025-01-26 10:33:43
PAMIR274.8 yards 336°2025-01-27 09:48:24 DHT LEOPARD275.7 yards 351°2025-01-12 16:01:47
477113200283.1 yards 348°2025-01-23 13:18:15 HL SUCCESS291.4 yards 110°2025-01-18 03:52:21
SHENG SHA 12295.1 yards 116°2025-02-07 02:25:30 TS COLOMBO306.0 yards 17°2025-01-18 11:42:07
RAINBOW STAR324.7 yards 69°2025-01-10 15:43:53 AMWAJ331.7 yards 269°2025-02-07 20:58:45
SCHUMI 8344.4 yards 217°2025-01-26 08:50:27 NAVE CELESTE378.5 yards 156°2025-01-21 21:31:22
DEBBIE386.9 yards 317°2025-01-24 13:04:42 SUZUKASAN452.2 yards 25°2025-01-26 11:01:25
PANDA 007462.3 yards 95°2025-01-26 23:02:22 LAMBERT MARU465.4 yards 253°2025-01-27 03:18:54
DORIC TRIDENT480.9 yards 266°2025-01-23 02:35:28 TIVOLI PARK493.8 yards 30°2025-01-26 18:34:34
BBG DREAM498.5 yards 320°2025-01-24 11:37:04 INCEPTION503.5 yards 339°2025-01-23 04:27:19
BULK PARAGUAY507.5 yards 80°2025-01-26 04:16:36 CL GUANGZHOU521.4 yards 68°2025-01-10 09:21:33
MARSA IVY0.3 miles 238°2025-01-27 03:46:35 DESPINA0.3 miles 64°2025-01-09 22:17:36
MSC KOREA III0.3 miles 60°2025-01-16 05:19:18 EVER VIVA0.3 miles 90°2025-01-10 08:02:01
BUNUN MIRACLE0.3 miles 166°2025-01-24 08:04:49 BERGE OLYMPUS0.3 miles 57°2025-01-13 04:38:48
AEOLIAN0.3 miles 56°2025-01-12 23:59:58 OLYMPIC LUNA0.3 miles 237°2025-01-12 04:06:45
INDUS PROSPERITY0.3 miles 39°2025-01-22 18:28:11 VARADA0.3 miles 93°2025-01-21 20:45:46
MORNING CLARA0.3 miles 35°2025-01-31 11:46:10 NEW SPLENDOR0.3 miles 341°2025-01-12 04:21:36
MY HUNG0.3 miles 319°2025-01-12 12:47:14 PAGODA0.3 miles 22°2025-01-10 14:06:24
PAC SEGINUS0.3 miles 281°2025-01-10 22:06:17 3520046660.4 miles 26°2025-01-18 12:28:40
BERGE HALEAKALA0.4 miles 320°2025-01-16 06:10:57 AS NURIA0.4 miles 77°2025-01-13 14:44:28
HUI SHENG HAI0.4 miles 80°2025-01-12 19:43:33 AQUILA0.4 miles 338°2025-01-10 00:53:51
WARIYA NAREE0.4 miles 22°2025-01-09 00:12:30 SFL YUKON0.4 miles 23°2025-01-10 18:22:59
INVENTANA0.4 miles 341°2025-01-11 17:40:51 APOLLO DIAMOND0.4 miles 3°2025-01-16 21:01:14
MORNING KATE0.4 miles 166°2025-01-27 18:57:28 ODIN HIGHWAY0.4 miles 240°2025-01-17 15:23:18
OCEAN AMITIE0.4 miles 246°2025-01-14 11:24:14 LUCKY HARMONY0.4 miles 28°2025-02-05 11:48:23
MOGENS MAERSK0.4 miles 124°2025-01-13 19:27:22 ARGEUS0.4 miles 88°2025-01-24 10:55:33
TAHO EUROPE0.4 miles 16°2025-01-12 13:27:10 KOTA SEMPENA0.5 miles 320°2025-01-17 03:06:56
PACIFIC CITRINE0.5 miles 38°2025-01-13 04:33:41 4133060900.5 miles 158°2025-01-10 15:45:56
CHWNTEK 50.5 miles 295°2025-01-12 16:52:00 SHANG YUAN MEN0.5 miles 21°2025-02-04 09:51:36
X-PRESS CASSIOPEIA0.5 miles 178°2025-01-24 06:10:30 AS COLUMBIA0.5 miles 253°2025-01-13 20:39:57
RANI0.5 miles 34°2025-01-14 20:07:44 WINNING YOUTH0.5 miles 69°2025-01-16 02:07:36
DILOS0.5 miles 256°2025-01-24 12:18:04 ATLAS LEADER0.5 miles 265°2025-01-28 08:08:39
SSI DOMINION0.5 miles 291°2025-01-09 12:15:17 DANUM 30.5 miles 62°2025-02-06 01:27:20
MSC LEO VI0.5 miles 38°2025-01-11 03:56:19 GAS AL MUBARAKIAH0.5 miles 289°2025-01-24 17:16:53
TB QINGYUAN0.5 miles 65°2025-02-03 07:35:21 HAFNIA LEOPARD0.5 miles 163°2025-01-25 17:40:08
CONDOR LNG0.5 miles 41°2025-02-01 17:09:15 AL DEEBEL0.5 miles 233°2025-01-23 19:20:32
EVER VIM0.5 miles 243°2025-01-17 00:40:10 THINH AN 930.5 miles 330°2025-02-07 20:01:39
SEALEGEND0.5 miles 19°2025-01-23 11:36:44 V. GLORY0.5 miles 166°2025-01-24 18:41:34
6030.5 miles 38°2025-02-04 03:07:39 DELMA0.6 miles 184°2025-01-22 00:56:51
CYMONA FALCON0.6 miles 324°2025-01-15 20:48:10 XIN CHANG HAI0.6 miles 280°2025-01-21 18:40:34
NEDIM0.6 miles 334°2025-01-13 20:50:41 BALTIC BEAR0.6 miles 129°2025-01-26 11:53:48
KD LEKIR 260.6 miles 337°2025-02-07 21:02:52 WEST LOYALTY0.6 miles 245°2025-01-15 15:41:28
Erről az oldalról
This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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