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Állomások SEAWAYS MONTAUK közelében
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SIGRID THERESA137.9 yards 22°2025-01-29 14:53:34 ECE NUR BAYRAKTAR202.2 yards 70°2025-01-30 16:32:09
COSCO GALAXY209.4 yards 223°2025-01-28 21:52:17 EMMA OLDENDORFF292.8 yards 233°2025-01-29 07:27:48
EAGLE BARCELONA324.1 yards 77°2025-01-19 12:14:11 MSC MIRELLA R335.0 yards 158°2025-01-29 21:39:30
NQ LILIUM341.1 yards 280°2025-01-30 12:50:43 NORD SWIFT358.1 yards 70°2025-01-21 16:50:55
SCOT BERLIN365.9 yards 272°2025-01-08 21:43:21 QUEEN SARAH367.9 yards 12°2025-01-11 08:08:06
MINERVA PSARA392.4 yards 19°2025-01-01 07:54:18 SEAJOURNEY411.1 yards 30°2025-01-24 22:00:57
MOREA457.0 yards 46°2025-01-29 06:45:26 MSC HOUSTON V459.6 yards 269°2025-01-29 23:04:32
LIGHT VENTURE526.4 yards 103°2025-01-29 02:02:48 TINOS0.3 miles 155°2025-01-29 13:07:43
VUOKSI MAERSK0.3 miles 353°2025-01-30 01:21:49 NOCTURNE0.4 miles 71°2025-01-29 12:48:14
ATLAS S0.4 miles 41°2025-01-29 09:05:47 TWINKLE STAR0.4 miles 157°2025-01-20 23:26:08
WISDOMS DAUGHTER0.4 miles 4°2025-01-29 07:39:48 SAKIZAYA CHAMPION0.5 miles 197°2025-01-04 09:49:52
AK HALIMA0.5 miles 14°2025-01-29 15:39:24 LOWLANDS KAMI0.5 miles 66°2025-01-29 13:17:05
FINNECO 10.5 miles 181°2025-01-23 07:42:53 COSCO GLORY0.5 miles 198°2025-01-29 21:19:31
FRONT JAGUAR0.5 miles 329°2025-01-09 09:53:39 TORM BIRGITTE0.5 miles 16°2025-01-10 03:35:19
GRAZYNA GESICKA0.5 miles 294°2025-01-09 09:13:41 LUCKY SAILOR0.6 miles 11°2025-01-29 06:04:31
SEAVIGOUR0.6 miles 39°2025-01-30 03:49:51 ESMERALDA0.6 miles 202°2025-01-29 17:59:47
INEOS INTUITION0.6 miles 197°2025-01-28 02:16:53 NV MINERVA0.6 miles 52°2025-01-08 06:43:54
HELLESPONT PROMISE0.6 miles 45°2025-01-10 06:17:14 HWA LAND0.6 miles 11°2025-01-29 07:15:48
ALBEMARLE ISLAND0.6 miles 213°2025-01-18 02:29:25 ORPHEAS0.6 miles 351°2025-01-05 16:58:24
BLADE GALAXY0.6 miles 128°2025-01-30 08:06:37 ECO CATHAR0.6 miles 103°2025-01-29 09:22:59
PINE MEADOW0.7 miles 57°2025-01-18 12:27:54 WOODGATE0.7 miles 318°2025-01-09 00:05:12
AEOLUS0.7 miles 229°2025-01-29 20:53:08 HOEGH YOKOHAMA0.7 miles 187°2025-01-19 14:17:36
STAR C0.7 miles 134°2025-01-27 20:45:47 ARCTIC0.7 miles 3°2025-01-09 17:22:42
HANSA SEALEADER0.7 miles 163°2025-01-21 15:59:52 SWANSEA0.7 miles 246°2025-01-08 15:48:21
DURHAM0.7 miles 356°2025-01-24 08:10:50 NEW NATURE0.7 miles 298°2025-01-22 17:25:48
VL BRILLIANT0.7 miles 179°2025-01-10 07:59:00 CHEMICAL MASTER0.7 miles 337°2025-01-29 09:28:19
M.V AEGEA0.7 miles 149°2025-01-28 19:32:05 NORDIC CALLAO0.8 miles 351°2025-01-09 22:12:03
POTOMAC EXPRESS0.8 miles 122°2025-01-03 20:57:21 DUCHESS LILY0.8 miles 5°2025-01-10 09:03:46
CS HANGZHOU0.8 miles 36°2025-01-04 10:15:12 HAFNIA ARONALDO0.8 miles 339°2025-01-11 01:36:07
X-PRESS ELBE0.8 miles 13°2025-01-29 19:47:02 CONTSHIP FUN0.8 miles 177°2025-01-29 23:17:26
BALTIC CRYSTAL0.8 miles 189°2025-01-17 02:01:51 PAN NAVIGATOR0.9 miles 352°2025-01-19 19:19:39
EBN HAWKEL0.9 miles 314°2025-01-08 05:51:45 ALFRED0.9 miles 65°2025-01-29 21:42:47
TROODOS AIR0.9 miles 158°2025-01-23 11:28:34 EPIPHANIA0.9 miles 7°2025-01-05 11:39:45
MSC ELA1.0 miles 152°2025-01-11 17:45:16 OTTOMAN EQUITY1.0 miles 18°2025-01-30 13:22:18
JASMINE LEADER1.0 miles 348°2025-01-30 01:49:10 OLYMPIC TRITON1.1 miles 287°2025-01-09 02:18:14
ATALAYA TMA1.1 miles 64°2025-01-18 07:51:04 KN BLOSSOM1.1 miles 29°2025-01-03 23:44:56
EMPERY1.1 miles 334°2025-01-11 10:43:50 GORDONWATERS KNUTSEN1.1 miles 183°2025-01-29 04:40:11
CONTSHIPS STELLAR1.1 miles 29°2025-01-29 22:19:29 CORATO1.1 miles 349°2025-01-09 19:04:08
BOW OPTIMA1.1 miles 175°2025-01-07 06:23:43 DALE1.2 miles 328°2025-01-27 22:19:35
NING MAY1.2 miles 23°2025-01-16 12:29:07 HAWAIIAN HIGHWAY1.2 miles 346°2025-01-29 19:59:28
STADIONGRACHT1.2 miles 17°2025-01-20 00:58:03 KIRANA NAREE1.2 miles 18°2025-01-29 22:36:41
CARIBE LUNA1.2 miles 229°2025-01-17 14:23:44 ASKLIPIOS1.2 miles 343°2025-01-25 09:12:58
SAGAR11.3 miles 2°2025-01-28 17:53:00 ICONSHIP1.3 miles 211°2025-01-27 21:32:02
MARI JONE1.3 miles 158°2025-01-29 00:08:55 ECO WEST COAST1.3 miles 42°2025-01-07 12:38:06
RHYTHMIC1.3 miles 347°2025-01-29 18:08:38 MAXIMA1.3 miles 354°2025-01-02 10:17:48
SANTA CLARA1.3 miles 167°2025-01-30 04:11:51 OOCL SPAIN1.3 miles 199°2025-01-28 06:56:16
WOLFSBURG1.4 miles 1°2025-01-01 02:12:15 CMA CGM MARSEILLE1.4 miles 161°2025-01-09 14:55:07
CMA CGM EIFFEL1.4 miles 211°2025-01-30 11:05:30 STAR ASTRID1.4 miles 46°2025-01-29 10:14:08
FREESIA LEADER1.4 miles 176°2025-01-30 03:32:24 MONTE URQUIOLA1.4 miles 16°2025-01-26 04:54:02
YOKOHAMA EXPRESS1.4 miles 203°2025-01-29 22:24:32 HAMBURG HIGHWAY1.4 miles 205°2025-01-10 07:04:33
Erről az oldalról
This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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