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Állomások ATLANTIC BLUE közelében
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SC TIANJIN91.3 yards 243°2025-01-04 20:59:11 477949100133.8 yards 236°2024-12-31 03:42:21
MAERSK VERACRUZ179.4 yards 154°2025-01-10 23:07:18 SILVER HANNAH214.8 yards 130°2025-01-05 18:19:10
ECO ARCTIC216.6 yards 105°2025-01-06 15:28:24 NAVE CELESTE219.4 yards 123°2024-12-25 02:14:01
MAERSK HIDALGO282.5 yards 160°2024-12-30 01:47:49 413306090286.0 yards 70°2025-01-10 15:45:56
GULF ELAN292.8 yards 110°2024-12-23 21:02:04 CMACGM JACQUES SAADE311.0 yards 202°2025-01-07 12:27:47
MATHILDE MAERSK315.2 yards 154°2024-12-28 13:42:08 LIBERATOR350.0 yards 91°2025-01-06 21:22:44
MAERSK HANGZHOU365.1 yards 287°2025-01-05 10:31:01 MOZAH365.7 yards 154°2024-12-30 07:55:29
V. PROGRESS377.7 yards 207°2025-01-04 02:38:23 GSL CHRISTEN386.4 yards 98°2024-12-27 13:33:58
PHILIPPOS409.1 yards 81°2025-01-05 12:26:05 HEMMA BHUM432.8 yards 213°2025-01-05 16:15:57
KOTA SAHABAT448.3 yards 117°2024-12-31 15:27:33 KMTC MUMBAI455.4 yards 187°2025-01-10 00:42:04
RESOLUTION458.7 yards 117°2025-01-01 09:12:14 BANGKOK HIGHWAY485.4 yards 173°2025-01-10 11:11:52
MARAN GAS LINDOS498.4 yards 121°2025-01-07 16:06:34 EBBA MAERSK499.1 yards 111°2025-01-05 14:13:48
LILA CHENNAI507.7 yards 162°2025-01-05 23:56:17 YM WHOLESOME0.3 miles 210°2024-12-29 17:03:19
SWAN PACIFIC0.3 miles 118°2025-01-04 16:36:27 PRUDENT WARRIOR0.3 miles 111°2025-01-06 00:08:37
XIN YONG YANG0.3 miles 199°2025-01-12 22:50:23 LE HAVRE0.3 miles 115°2024-12-27 00:51:41
PACIFIC HORIZON II0.4 miles 95°2025-01-10 21:54:58 HMM MANILA0.4 miles 204°2025-01-10 02:58:58
ASIAN EXPLORER0.4 miles 164°2025-01-11 03:12:44 EVER ATOP0.4 miles 212°2025-01-18 16:02:44
MAERSK SINGAPORE0.4 miles 105°2024-12-24 20:05:27 HMM DUBLIN0.4 miles 349°2024-12-26 01:32:22
MSC DAMLA0.4 miles 127°2025-01-08 09:15:57 MAERSK YELLOWSTONE0.4 miles 176°2025-01-09 08:24:07
SEIYO HARMONY0.4 miles 353°2024-12-21 21:06:37 MSC NURIA0.4 miles 7°2025-01-08 15:42:38
JAHAM0.4 miles 345°2024-12-30 11:04:18 DELRUBA0.4 miles 351°2025-01-12 10:02:28
MCC DANANG0.4 miles 236°2025-01-06 23:15:45 AL DAFNA0.4 miles 348°2024-12-30 00:03:21
MOGENS MAERSK0.4 miles 54°2025-01-13 19:27:22 GREENFIELD0.4 miles 150°2025-01-11 22:14:34
OLYMPIC LUNA0.4 miles 317°2025-01-12 04:06:45 BALTIC0.4 miles 204°2025-01-04 13:47:54
SPIRIT0.4 miles 320°2025-01-05 00:03:10 BRAVERUS0.4 miles 14°2025-01-08 13:17:21
SHABGOUN0.4 miles 8°2025-01-12 14:18:21 MORNING LISA0.4 miles 141°2025-01-06 14:30:24
MAY0.4 miles 14°2025-01-09 10:30:03 HL SUCCESS0.4 miles 17°2025-01-18 03:52:21
BWEK ARUBA0.4 miles 121°2025-01-05 20:07:10 SC SHANGHAI0.5 miles 228°2025-01-05 13:26:07
ANELA SKY0.5 miles 4°2024-12-25 19:18:37 DELTA EURYDICE0.5 miles 226°2025-01-06 11:18:29
ALDANA0.5 miles 359°2025-01-04 01:36:11 OBROVAC0.5 miles 140°2025-01-02 06:16:04
CASTRO ALVES0.5 miles 325°2025-01-07 06:25:36 KOTA MAKMUR0.5 miles 128°2025-01-04 18:39:20
ORKIM PEARL0.5 miles 115°2025-01-10 09:39:00 ODIN HIGHWAY0.5 miles 306°2025-01-17 15:23:18
MSC EMILY II0.5 miles 357°2025-01-07 11:25:15 KING LOONG0.5 miles 357°2025-01-15 09:42:09
ENEOS DREAM0.5 miles 12°2024-12-25 10:40:39 RED ZED I0.5 miles 318°2024-12-30 16:34:55
JOSCO ALMA0.5 miles 193°2025-01-05 13:02:31 YELENA0.5 miles 8°2025-01-17 21:22:48
ZIM MOONSTONE0.5 miles 15°2024-12-27 23:45:21 NANSHA HONOR0.5 miles 357°2025-01-16 12:38:09
LILA HANGZHOU0.5 miles 359°2024-12-25 10:55:59 NORTHERN MONUMENT0.5 miles 324°2024-12-25 23:38:52
YM MATURITY0.5 miles 288°2024-12-31 03:22:55 TEXAS TRIUMPH0.5 miles 174°2025-01-18 09:39:24
OCEAN AMITIE0.5 miles 308°2025-01-14 11:24:14 AL DAHNA EXPRESS0.5 miles 116°2024-12-27 03:28:45
LAVINIA OLDENDORFF0.5 miles 6°2025-01-10 02:48:11 MICK0.5 miles 93°2024-12-22 04:57:40
MELBOURNE BRIDGE0.5 miles 18°2025-01-04 15:42:59 BOKA SHERPA0.5 miles 251°2025-01-01 03:36:48
MANAMI CORAL0.5 miles 358°2025-01-17 07:19:35 AL YARMOUK0.5 miles 341°2025-01-12 16:48:25
WAN HAI 5090.5 miles 24°2025-01-15 22:49:45 LADY CEDROS0.5 miles 23°2024-12-26 17:49:49
3419760010.5 miles 359°2025-01-10 07:24:34 MSC CLORINDA0.5 miles 356°2025-01-15 20:55:49
CMA CGM GANGES0.5 miles 183°2025-01-17 15:05:25 DA CHANG0.5 miles 143°2024-12-21 22:01:33
EVER VIM0.6 miles 296°2025-01-17 00:40:10 UBUNTU HARMONY0.6 miles 302°2024-12-24 01:47:47
C H S WORLD0.6 miles 287°2024-12-21 20:41:27 MAERSK SHEERNESS0.6 miles 132°2025-01-08 08:33:49
HASNA0.6 miles 2°2024-12-27 05:29:58 HONG LI CHANG JIU0.6 miles 103°2024-12-25 13:29:21
GLENGYLE0.6 miles 355°2025-01-14 04:19:20 YM WELLHEAD0.6 miles 90°2025-01-08 02:58:03
FRONT FORTH0.6 miles 136°2025-01-06 15:45:21 MSC NICOLA MASTRO0.6 miles 159°2024-12-30 05:29:29
Erről az oldalról
This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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