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APRS műtárgy 060738q41 - grafika nézet
Forrás hívójel: BX1AD-15
Megjegyzés: 02/06-07:38臺南市楠西區發生規模4.1有感地震,最大震度嘉義縣大埔、臺南市白河4級。,臺南市政府東北東方 44.3 公里 (位於臺南市楠西區) (資料來源交通部中央氣象署)
Hely: 23°12.60' N 120°33.00' E - lokátor PL03GF60AJ - térkép nézet
8.1 miles Északkelet irány 44° tól Yujing, Taiwan, Taiwan [?]
16.6 miles Délkelet irány 114° tól Xinying, Tainan, Taiwan, Taiwan
43.7 miles Észak irány 20° tól Kaohsiung, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
65.2 miles Dél irány 187° tól Taichung, T’ai-chung Hsien, Taiwan, Taiwan
Utolső pozíció: 2025-02-05 18:42:13 EST (16h5m ezelőtt)
2025-02-06 07:42:13 CST helyi idő Yujing, Taiwan [?]
Utolsó útvonal: BX1AD-15>APRS via TCPIP*,qAS,BX1AD
Positions stored: 1
Others sourced by BX1AD-15: 010057q38 010518q33 010857q38 011126q34 011926q34 020602q41 020647q33 020751q34 021402q41 021447q33 021551q34 021932q40 022202q41 030332q40 030556q39 030602q41 030706q35 031312q39 031356q39 031506q35 032112q39 040245q35 040411q41 040443q38 040456q37 040500q48 040501q35 040502q30 040508q42 040819q47 041045q35 041131q33 041157q33 041211q41 041243q38 041256q37 041300q48 041301q35 041302q30 041321q34 041353q32 041619q47 041903q34 041931q33 041957q33 042052q36 042114q36 042151q38 042154q38 050303q34 050314q39 050514q36 050551q38 050554q38 050922q34 051114q39 051144q37 051709q30 051722q34 051944q37 052338q41 060109q30 061222q37 062022q37 111836q40 120236q40 140553q37 171319q39 201713q36 210113q36 220213q37 221013q37 221906q36 230006q43 230331q36 230847q32 231131q36 301343q33 301745q40 302005q44 302143q33 310405q44 311108q34 311126q38 311519q40 311908q34 311926q38 312118q33 312319q40
Állomások 060738q41 közelében - többet mutat
hívójel távolság utoljára hallott - EST      hívójel távolság utoljára hallott - EST
BV3BA-140.0 yards 0°2025-02-05 18:45:02 BV3BA-260.0 yards 0°2025-01-22 00:40:02
052338q410.0 yards 0°2025-02-05 18:42:23 BV3BA-580.0 yards 0°2025-02-05 23:35:02
BV3BA-90.6 miles 90°2025-01-20 16:25:02 BV3BA-170.6 miles 270°2025-01-20 17:45:04
BV3BA-450.6 miles 270°2025-01-27 01:55:02 BV3BA-310.9 miles 317°2025-01-23 17:00:05
221013q370.9 miles 223°2025-01-21 21:32:17 220213q370.9 miles 223°2025-01-21 21:32:28
BV3BA-221.3 miles 90°2025-01-21 16:25:02 BV3BA-121.4 miles 61°2025-01-20 16:30:03
BV3BA-461.5 miles 335°2025-01-27 14:55:02 BV3BA-71.9 miles 43°2025-01-20 16:15:02
BV3BA-381.9 miles 223°2025-01-25 16:05:02 032112q392.0 miles 70°2025-02-03 18:00:08
031312q392.0 miles 70°2025-02-03 18:00:09 BV3BA-302.0 miles 110°2025-01-23 07:45:02
BV3BA-322.0 miles 250°2025-01-24 09:15:02 BV3BA-402.2 miles 197°2025-01-25 23:35:02
Erről az oldalról
This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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