Mic-E message: | En route |
Hely: | 38°30.66' N 90°20.17' W - lokátor EM48TM92PP - térkép nézet 1.2 km Nyugat irány 284° tól Mehlville, Saint Louis County, Missouri, United States [?] 5.3 km Északnyugat irány 329° tól Oakville, Saint Louis County, Missouri, United States 17.6 km Délnyugat irány 223° tól Saint Louis, City of Saint Louis, Missouri, United States 45.9 km Délkelet irány 136° tól O'Fallon, Saint Charles County, Missouri, United States |
Utolső pozíció: | 2025-02-06 12:34:49 UTC (5d 3h42m ezelőtt) 2025-02-06 06:34:49 CST helyi idő Mehlville, United States [?] |
Magasság: | 207 m |
Irány: | 0° |
Sebesség: | 0 km/h |
Device: | Yaesu: FTM-500D (rig) |
Utolsó útvonal: | Kv0ODV-9>SX3P6V via K0ATT-10*,WIDE7*,WIDE2-1,qAR,WB0HTW ![]() This station is transmitting packets with a configured path of over 3 digipeaters. This causes serious congestion in the APRS network and errors when plotting the station's route on a map. Please consider using a path of WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1 or WIDE2-2, or even WIDE1-1,WIDE2-2 if you are moving very far away from an iGATE. |
Positions stored: | 1 |