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Hívójel, hajó neve vagy lokátor: Törlés       
Lehetőség van helyettesítő karakterek (*?) használatára a keresésnél. Például: OH*
APRS állomás W8QT-1 - grafika nézet
Megjegyzés: W2,OHn,Geauga County, OH Digi/IGate
Hely: 41°41.52' N 81°02.80' W - lokátor EN91LQ46JB - térkép nézet
5.5 miles Dél irány 178° tól Madison, Lake County, Ohio, United States [?]
6.8 miles Délkelet irány 134° tól Perry, Lake County, Ohio, United States
36.0 miles Kelet irány 68° tól Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, United States
48.7 miles Északkelet irány 30° tól Akron, Summit County, Ohio, United States
Utolső pozíció: 2025-02-03 05:09:00 EST (26s ezelőtt)
2025-02-03 05:09:00 EST helyi idő Madison, United States [?]
Device: WB2OSZ: DireWolf
Utolsó útvonal: W8QT-1>APDW15 via qAR,N3DXC-2
Positions stored: 5
Packet rate: Átlagosan 402 másodperc a csomagok között az utóbbi 19716 másodpercben.
APRS digipeater – Statistics for 2025-02:
Közvetlenül vett állomások: 46 rádió útvonalon – térkép nézet
Last heard a station directly: 2025-02-03 05:08:37 EST (49s ezelőtt)
Normal receiver range estimate: 124 miles (Frissítve: 2025-01-31 17:48:19 EST)
Position packets heard directly: 737 rádió útvonalon
Állomások W8QT-1 közelében - többet mutat
hívójel távolság utoljára hallott - EST      hívójel távolság utoljára hallott - EST
444.562560.6 yards 311°2025-02-03 04:57:25 443.65001.7 miles 181°2025-02-03 04:41:26
FW24303.7 miles 51°2025-02-03 05:00:50 W8MSW-44.5 miles 40°2025-02-03 04:31:38
EW26905.4 miles 347°2025-02-03 05:04:17 EW04277.1 miles 186°2025-02-03 05:00:27
DW11747.5 miles 225°2025-02-03 05:09:09 WB8ELK-39.3 miles 47°2025-02-01 10:41:40
W1OLE-59.3 miles 251°2025-02-01 03:51:47 KE8JUI-Y9.9 miles 245°2025-01-10 12:41:38
DW360710.4 miles 125°2025-01-15 00:52:05 KE8HJL11.1 miles 265°2025-01-10 12:39:38
444.812511.7 miles 237°2025-02-03 04:53:10 K3UK11.9 miles 56°2025-01-22 16:30:39
DW824612.8 miles 270°2025-02-03 05:00:23 EW038013.4 miles 62°2025-02-03 05:05:25
N8WGE-914.2 miles 247°2025-02-01 19:07:52 146.71514.6 miles 77°2025-02-03 05:07:26
AD8NT-114.8 miles 78°2025-01-22 21:24:36 146.9414.9 miles 210°2025-02-03 04:21:39
Stations which heard W8QT-1 directly on radio –
hívójel csom elsőnek hallott - EST utoljára hallott hosszabb (tx => rx) hosszabb mint - EST
K8TIH 8 2025-02-02 20:49:00 2025-02-03 00:59:00 EN91LQ > EN81EJ 135.9 miles 262° 2025-02-03 00:59:00
VE3CTP 3 2025-02-02 04:29:11 2025-02-03 03:59:09 EN91LQ > EN82MH 106.7 miles 295° 2025-02-03 03:59:09
K8YSE-1 98 2025-01-31 19:41:20 2025-02-03 05:05:37 EN91LQ > EN91DH 44.0 miles 235° 2025-02-03 05:05:37
CHLSEA 5 2025-01-31 21:59:01 2025-02-01 15:09:00 EN91LQ > EN72XI 162.0 miles 288° 2025-02-01 15:09:00
KC2WBX-2 4 2025-01-31 22:09:01 2025-02-01 01:09:02 EN91LQ > FN03RD 161.4 miles 51° 2025-02-01 01:09:02
NEWBRY 15 2025-01-31 19:09:02 2025-02-02 12:34:10 EN91LQ > EN91IL 20.3 miles 219° 2025-02-02 12:34:10
N3DXC-2 45 2025-02-01 01:29:02 2025-02-03 05:09:00 EN91LQ > FN00MT 124.2 miles 119° 2025-02-03 05:09:00
N8HKU-5 5 2025-02-02 00:19:02 2025-02-02 21:49:01 EN91LQ > EN82EE 138.2 miles 285° 2025-02-02 21:49:01
WOOSTR 7 2025-02-02 01:32:06 2025-02-02 09:32:30 EN91LQ > EN90BS 76.9 miles 215° 2025-02-02 09:32:30
N8QYG-1 1 2025-02-02 07:59:05 2025-02-02 07:59:05 EN91LQ > EN82GH 132.3 miles 290° 2025-02-02 07:59:05
VA3AOU 1 2025-02-02 01:29:01 2025-02-02 01:29:01 EN91LQ > EN82OE 97.5 miles 290° 2025-02-02 01:29:01
NJ3T-4 20 2025-01-31 19:00:34 2025-02-03 05:00:36 EN91LQ > FM09JT 162.9 miles 142° 2025-02-03 05:00:36
K3ACS 21 2025-01-31 19:31:26 2025-02-02 18:01:24 EN91LQ > EN90UX 61.2 miles 141° 2025-02-02 18:01:24
VA3APW-3 3 2025-02-01 04:59:01 2025-02-02 10:49:00 EN91LQ > EN82VK 77.9 miles 311° 2025-02-02 10:49:00
KE3JP-3 1 2025-02-02 18:31:08 2025-02-02 18:31:08 EN91LQ > EN91TL 37.0 miles 115° 2025-02-02 18:31:08
WB8YFL-2 1 2025-02-02 17:19:01 2025-02-02 17:19:01 EN91LQ > EN81DO 138.3 miles 269° 2025-02-02 17:19:01
W8XLR-1 131 2025-02-01 19:49:01 2025-02-03 04:29:00 EN91LQ > EN91OC 42.7 miles 160° 2025-02-03 04:29:00
VA3RAW-3 1 2025-02-02 07:09:01 2025-02-02 07:09:01 EN91LQ > EN82WV 99.6 miles 326° 2025-02-02 07:09:01
KC8QDR-1 4 2025-02-01 05:31:20 2025-02-02 21:01:13 EN91LQ > EN91MH 28.0 miles 170° 2025-02-02 21:01:13
N8LPQ-10 1 2025-02-03 01:29:04 2025-02-03 01:29:04 EN91LQ > EN81EQ 132.7 miles 271° 2025-02-03 01:29:04
SHIPEN 48 2025-01-31 23:39:02 2025-02-03 03:01:42 EN91LQ > FN01HF 90.3 miles 109° 2025-02-03 03:01:42
VE3MMX 4 2025-02-02 18:59:04 2025-02-03 03:49:01 EN91LQ > EN92HR 74.3 miles 348° 2025-02-03 03:49:01
VENCO 15 2025-01-31 20:29:01 2025-02-02 23:00:54 EN91LQ > FN01DK 72.7 miles 103° 2025-02-02 23:00:54
K3MJW-10 5 2025-02-02 03:40:33 2025-02-02 23:40:24 EN91LQ > FN00DM 107.9 miles 138° 2025-02-02 23:40:24
W8VFD 6 2025-01-31 20:09:02 2025-02-01 13:59:01 EN91LQ > EN91RO 25.2 miles 103° 2025-02-01 13:59:01
WB2BDI-1 101 2025-01-31 19:19:01 2025-02-03 04:49:01 EN91LQ > FN01AQ 55.3 miles 91° 2025-02-03 04:49:01
VE3XII-12 4 2025-02-02 01:19:01 2025-02-03 01:29:03 EN91LQ > EN82TO 92.4 miles 313° 2025-02-03 01:29:03

Only position packets which were originated by the station are shown here. The range statistics show some extra long hops, because some digipeaters do not correctly add themselves to the digipeater path. Please check the raw packets.
Stations heard directly by W8QT-1
hívójel csom elsőnek hallott - EST utoljára hallott hosszabb (rx => tx) hosszabb mint - EST
VE3KSR 3 2025-01-31 21:44:14 2025-02-02 03:40:13 EN93QJ > EN91LQ 120.1 miles 10° 2025-02-02 03:40:13
VE3TEJ 1 2025-02-03 03:01:27 2025-02-03 03:01:27 EN92JW > EN91LQ 86.5 miles 353° 2025-02-03 03:01:27
K8TIH 1 2025-02-03 01:08:18 2025-02-03 01:08:18 EN81EJ > EN91LQ 135.9 miles 262° 2025-02-03 01:08:18
W8KRF-1 3 2025-02-03 00:56:51 2025-02-03 03:57:03 EN91CK > EN91LQ 42.5 miles 247° 2025-02-03 03:57:03
K8YSE-1 6 2025-02-01 00:01:45 2025-02-03 02:18:17 EN91DH > EN91LQ 44.0 miles 235° 2025-02-03 02:18:17
KB3KBR-1 5 2025-02-02 09:29:02 2025-02-03 02:11:27 FN01DJ > EN91LQ 71.8 miles 105° 2025-02-03 02:11:27
JAMTWP 1 2025-02-02 16:55:29 2025-02-02 16:55:29 EN73XJ > EN91LQ 191.6 miles 308° 2025-02-02 16:55:29
AG2AA-4 13 2025-01-31 23:38:14 2025-02-03 05:08:37 FN02GG > EN91LQ 92.0 miles 63° 2025-02-03 05:08:37
N3HBE-3 5 2025-02-02 08:54:56 2025-02-03 03:57:51 FN01WJ > EN91LQ 152.4 miles 97° 2025-02-03 03:57:51
KC2WBX-2 4 2025-01-31 22:19:14 2025-02-03 02:00:42 FN03RD > EN91LQ 161.4 miles 51° 2025-02-03 02:00:42
KA8MZJ 3 2025-02-02 21:41:48 2025-02-03 05:06:35 EN81HK > EN91LQ 121.0 miles 263° 2025-02-03 05:06:35
NEWBRY 17 2025-01-31 21:53:04 2025-02-03 03:41:25 EN91IL > EN91LQ 20.3 miles 219° 2025-02-03 03:41:25
WB8PIY-1 4 2025-01-31 22:44:00 2025-02-03 02:14:37 EN91CK > EN91LQ 43.5 miles 247° 2025-02-03 02:14:37
W8MSW-4 52 2025-01-31 19:31:44 2025-02-03 04:31:38 EN91MR > EN91LQ 4.5 miles 40° 2025-02-03 04:31:38
N8QYG-1 16 2025-01-31 21:28:15 2025-02-03 04:27:03 EN82GH > EN91LQ 132.3 miles 290° 2025-02-03 04:27:03
VE3SV-9 2 2025-02-01 15:06:24 2025-02-01 15:14:16 EN91VN > EN91LQ 45.4 miles 100° 2025-02-01 15:14:16
VE3GSJ 5 2025-01-31 19:52:48 2025-02-03 04:20:40 EN93UW > EN91LQ 158.9 miles 13° 2025-02-03 04:20:40
AD8G-9 3 2025-02-01 15:01:36 2025-02-01 15:19:45 EN91JN > EN91LQ 11.4 miles 229° 2025-02-01 15:01:36
NEWBRY-1 7 2025-01-31 22:10:49 2025-02-03 00:47:26 EN91IL > EN91LQ 20.4 miles 219° 2025-02-03 00:47:26
KC3UWC-9 13 2025-02-01 19:44:27 2025-02-01 20:31:15 FN02CC > EN91LQ 72.6 miles 66° 2025-02-01 19:48:27
NJ3T-4 6 2025-02-02 00:01:21 2025-02-03 03:24:41 FM09JT > EN91LQ 162.9 miles 142° 2025-02-03 03:24:41
K3ACS 21 2025-01-31 20:25:14 2025-02-03 04:57:18 EN90UX > EN91LQ 61.2 miles 141° 2025-02-03 04:57:18
KE3JP-3 28 2025-01-31 22:51:46 2025-02-03 02:00:53 EN91TL > EN91LQ 37.0 miles 115° 2025-02-03 02:00:53
CASCTY 1 2025-02-03 03:12:18 2025-02-03 03:12:18 EN83LP > EN91LQ 168.5 miles 323° 2025-02-03 03:12:18
KC3LMP-10 25 2025-01-31 19:43:38 2025-02-03 03:06:59 EN92VB > EN91LQ 51.0 miles 59° 2025-02-03 03:06:59
BARKYV 34 2025-01-31 21:46:14 2025-02-02 23:06:18 FN01AE > EN91LQ 65.9 miles 121° 2025-02-02 23:06:18
W8XLR-1 25 2025-01-31 19:00:10 2025-02-03 03:51:38 EN91OC > EN91LQ 42.7 miles 160° 2025-02-03 03:51:38
VE3GUK-2 2 2025-02-03 00:52:06 2025-02-03 04:20:40 EN82VJ > EN91LQ 76.9 miles 311° 2025-02-03 04:20:40
KC3UWC-15 38 2025-02-02 12:53:27 2025-02-02 16:08:18 EN91WW > EN91LQ 51.2 miles 71° 2025-02-02 15:48:44
KC8QDR-1 8 2025-02-02 01:34:57 2025-02-03 03:35:41 EN91MH > EN91LQ 28.0 miles 170° 2025-02-03 03:35:41
N8LPQ-10 3 2025-02-02 17:15:54 2025-02-03 03:10:18 EN81FS > EN91LQ 130.8 miles 273° 2025-02-03 03:10:18
KB8OTK-5 4 2025-02-02 00:39:22 2025-02-03 02:06:34 EN90RX > EN91LQ 55.7 miles 153° 2025-02-03 02:06:34
ERIELK 5 2025-02-02 02:31:45 2025-02-03 02:15:26 EN82JG > EN91LQ 116.5 miles 290° 2025-02-03 02:15:26
SHIPEN 21 2025-02-01 19:44:42 2025-02-03 05:06:18 FN01HF > EN91LQ 90.3 miles 109° 2025-02-03 05:06:18
VE3MMX 1 2025-02-02 16:28:39 2025-02-02 16:28:39 EN92HR > EN91LQ 74.3 miles 348° 2025-02-02 16:28:39
W8XLR-2 77 2025-01-31 21:34:10 2025-02-03 03:59:06 EN91OC > EN91LQ 42.7 miles 160° 2025-02-03 03:59:06
W8VFD 76 2025-01-31 19:23:39 2025-02-03 04:50:42 EN91RO > EN91LQ 25.2 miles 103° 2025-02-03 04:50:42
N3GYW-9 6 2025-02-02 15:05:54 2025-02-02 16:55:17 EN91VN > EN91LQ 45.3 miles 101° 2025-02-02 16:55:17
K3JIP-9 1 2025-02-02 19:31:59 2025-02-02 19:31:59 EN91SF > EN91LQ 44.4 miles 136° 2025-02-02 19:31:59
KF8AEG-13 90 2025-01-31 20:27:52 2025-02-03 04:50:08 EN91RP > EN91LQ 24.7 miles 96° 2025-02-03 04:50:08
KF8AVQ-9 1 2025-01-31 22:43:43 2025-01-31 22:43:43 EN81KM > EN91LQ 108.9 miles 265° 2025-01-31 22:43:43
MERCER 1 2025-01-31 19:05:31 2025-01-31 19:05:31 EN91VE > EN91LQ 57.8 miles 128° 2025-01-31 19:05:31
GW5896 37 2025-01-31 19:08:32 2025-02-02 00:33:51 FN01AQ > EN91LQ 55.3 miles 91° 2025-02-02 00:33:51
WB2BDI-1 5 2025-01-31 19:31:08 2025-02-03 03:55:30 FN01AQ > EN91LQ 55.3 miles 91° 2025-02-03 03:55:30
WB8ELK-3 39 2025-02-01 08:50:58 2025-02-01 10:41:40 EN91NS > EN91LQ 9.3 miles 47° 2025-02-01 10:37:40
VE3XII-12 18 2025-01-31 20:28:16 2025-02-03 03:27:01 EN82TO > EN91LQ 92.4 miles 313° 2025-02-03 03:27:01

Only stations from which a position packet has been heard are shown here. The range statistics show some extra long hops, because some digipeaters do not correctly add themselves to the digipeater path. Please check the raw packets.
Erről az oldalról
This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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